A Brother or Sister for Braxton

Newbern, NC (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

A Brother or Sister for Braxton

by Mandi Spivey

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $10,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $10,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Newbern, NC (US)

Mandi Spivey is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

My name is Will and my beautiful wife and best friend’s name is Mandi! Our journey began when we met in 2018. We had both just gotten out of semi-abusive, long-term relationships and were trying to find a new path in life. Happiness had become so elusive that neither of us could remember a time that we had been truly content in years. There was however, one source of pride and accomplishment that had become a constant source of unconditional love for both of us, and his name is Braxton!!! In 2018, he was Mandi’s beautiful 4 year old little boy, that stole anyone’s heart that met him, and I was no exception!
That was just over 4 years ago, and since then we have rarely spent even one night away from each other. Mandi and I were married on 10-20-2020, and we started trying for an addition to our family right away… but God had other plans for us. After trying to conceive naturally for 6 months we started to question things. We consulted our primary physician along with Mandi’s OB, who told us we shouldn’t be having trouble mostly due to Mandi being so young (at the time only 25?!). So me being 10 years older, we assumed it was probably something wrong on my end. After some tests on both of us we discovered that Mandi had endometriosis and some scarring on and around her tubes at the ovaries and that her tubes would have to be removed. We were devastated, all we wanted was a baby brother or sister for Braxton to grow up with and another person share our love with.
Fast forward 6 months, the day of surgery we had a glimmer of hope! The surgeon was able to open her left tube and after an HSG (the dye test) we thought it was clear!!!! But the heartbreak was about to well back up when the surgeon reviewed the results and discovered “filmy adhesions” around the tube, again at the ovary. No doubt we felt defeated once again. After all this, the outcome seemed to be the same as it was… no real chance of natural conception. We did try a round of clomid to give us one last chance, but nothing 🙁
This brings us to our current circumstance, and really our last resort… IVF. Obviously IVF is very expensive and out of our reach currently, so we thought we would reach out to the community of success stories with IVF and just ask for help! Our 8 year old Braxton has been on this journey with us from the beginning and talks about his new baby brother or sister all the time! He is so positive that he is going to be a big brother! He really has kept us going! Any help reaching our goal would mean so much to our family and, we thank you all in advance for taking the time to read our story! Prayers are welcome just as much (or more) than donations to our cause of “A Brother or Sister For Braxton!”
Will, Mandi and Braxton!