A Miracle in the Making for the Jackson

Old Bridge, NJ (US)
Created 4 months ago
Fertility Treatments

A Miracle in the Making for the Jackson

by Salina Durga

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $8,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $100.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$100.00 raised of $8,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Old Bridge, NJ (US)

Salina Durga is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Sheldon and I first crossed paths in 2009. We started as best friends and from that moment our connection blossomed into a beautiful love story. We often spent evenings dreaming about our future—traveling, building a home, getting married, and, most importantly, starting a family.
As the years passed, Sheldon and I embraced life together, celebrating milestones and supporting one another through challenges. Our love grew stronger with each shared moment, but we soon discovered that our path to parenthood would not be as simple as we had hoped.
In 2016, after much anticipation, we learned we were expecting our first child. The joy was overwhelming, but it was short-lived. A silent miscarriage at 10 weeks shattered our dreams, leaving us heartbroken and longing for the family we envisioned. Determined to try again, we found solace in each other and the hope that our dreams of parenthood would eventually come true.
Over the next two years, we faced the devastating reality of two more miscarriages with no heartbeats in 2018 and again recently in 2024. Each time it happened we had to look at the ultrasound with devastation as our hearts stopped as well. Each loss felt like a blow to our hearts, but we held onto hope. We sought the guidance of specialists and explored different avenues to build our family.
In early 2024, after consultations with fertility experts, we made the difficult decision to pursue in vitro fertilization (IVF). The process was both physically and emotionally taxing, but Sheldon and I remained committed to each other and our dreams. After countless appointments, medication regimens, and waiting for test results, we finally received the news we had longed for—a positive pregnancy test.
However, our joy turned to anguish when, at 16 weeks, we experienced yet another heartbreaking miscarriage. This loss, compounded by the previous ones, left us feeling lost and desperate. This last miscarriage really hit us hard because the other 2 miscarriages happened in the first trimester. This was the first time we made it to the 2nd trimester, and we thought we were in the clear. We even sent out gender reveal invitations the night before just to find out the next day at our appointment that our little angel didn’t survive. The emotional toll was immense, and I had to wait a week to do a special D&E since I was further along. I had already undergone over 5 D&C surgeries after each miscarriage. We have gone through counseling to help us with the pain of losing our precious gifts each time.
Financially, the burden was just as heavy. We had invested nearly $6,000 in the IVF process alone, not to mention the costs associated with each miscarriage and surgery. With our savings depleted and a longing to try again, Sheldon and I found ourselves at a crossroads. We knew we needed help to continue our journey toward parenthood.
With hearts full of hope and determination, Sheldon and I decided to reach out to our community for support. We created a fundraising campaign, sharing our story with the world in hopes of raising the necessary funds for our next round of fertility treatments for our miracle baby. We believe that one day soon, we will hold the child we had longed for in our arms, a testament to our unwavering love and resilience. This will be the last time we attempt to have a child so it’s very important for us to make it to the finish line this time. We were informed by our doctor that we would need to have some fibroids removed and the doctor suggested starting the IVF process to freeze my eggs before the surgery just in case any issues occurred due to all the complications my body has gone through. We appreciate all of your support and welcome you to follow us on this journey to have our baby. Even as we write this campaign, we are in tears from reliving the pain all over again. Some people have told us after so many miscarriages to quit but we believe in miracles, and we hope you do too.
We truly appreciate your prayers and any financial contribution you can make. Your support will make a significant difference in our lives and bring us one step closer to our miracle child.
Thank you in advance for your compassion and generosity.
Salina and Sheldon

Name Donation Date
Elma Henry $100.00 November 25, 2024