Abbie & Brian’s Future Family

Caledonia, MI (US)
Created 7 months ago
Fertility Treatments

Abbie & Brian’s Future Family

by Brian McArthur

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $21,837.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $21,837.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Caledonia, MI (US)

Brian McArthur is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

Hello everyone! Abbie and I (Brian) met in college while I attended for a working adult degree program and Abbie was taking classes as she wanted. Both of us had to work full time to make ends meet and had no intentions of having a future together. After some persistence from Abbie (it’s true she persued me haha), she received a degree and a few years later a ring! We bought our first house together out in the country and knew we had to remodel the house then start a family. Like many remodel projects it took longer and far more money than expected as we found fire hazards that could have easily burned the house down. It drained us both financially and emotionally, what was suppose to be a two year project took seven years. Our friends and family help out anyway possible! Late last year we found out we were pregnant!! We told our immediate family and close friends, of course everyone was beyond excited. On New Year’s Eve we miscarried while out of town. Our hearts were broken, but understood this was part of the process for some. After months of trying we miscarried another two times and lost hope. We decided to look into IVF knowing it was costly and all of our money was tied up into the remodel and school loans, it weighs on us as we’re living paycheck to paycheck. Brian (me) is in his late 30s and Abbie her early 30s. Financially strapped, we said a family is more important than anything to us. After some testing IVF is our only option, if we cash in our HSA we are left with a $20k+ bill. Because of our financial situation are struggling to find loans we get approval.