Amanda’s Treatment to become a mom finally!

San Angelo, TX (US)
Created 1 day ago
Fertility Treatments

Amanda’s Treatment to become a mom finally!

by Amanda Mitchell

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $10,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 205

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $10,000.00 Goal
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $ Please input donation amount
San Angelo, TX (US)

Amanda Mitchell is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

My name is Amanda and I currently work in Special Education with 4 year olds. All my life I’ve always wanted to be one thing. A mother. However, sadly I just haven’t had the chance. I am getting older and fertility issues run in the family. I’m finally trying to take charge and start my family on my own. I have so much love to offer them and the want to let the new life/lives discover and change the world they enter for the better.
Because, I am an educator and recently graduated with my masters it is financially harder to fund my ultimate dream of motherhood. I’m hoping that fundraising will help me raise the funds to get the vials of sperm, the IUI insemination, and aftercare for my fertility treatment. I thank anyone who helps even a little bit, my gratitude is only a small measure of the gratefulness I have for yall.

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