Our IVF Journey

Utica, NY (US)
Created 11 months ago
Fertility Treatments

Our IVF Journey

by Amanda Cruz

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $4,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $4,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Utica, NY (US)

Amanda Cruz is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

Hello my name is Amanda and my husband name is David. We been together for 21 years. Are story started when I was 23 and was told that my tubes where closed that I would not be able to have kids on my own so since we were so young we decided not to pursue having kids and over the years kinda got use to the fact we were not gonna be parents and we were ok with that. As life went on and we gotten older and I met the most amazing Dr. In the world she asked well why don’t we just see why we can’t conceive alot has improved in the medical field that maybe something could be done. So for the past year we been trying to build are family. I took a hsg test to find out more and to my surprise my tubes where open nothing was wrong all my blood work came back normal reserve is a little low but normal for my age. So we were excited to start are journey. But six months went by and two rounds of clomid gone and still nothing I was wondering what was wrong with me would they find what’s wrong so my obgyn suggested a semen analysis test for my husband. Not always fun for a man but my husband was a champ. We got the test done now was the wait. Then was that call So next thing was we found out he had zero sperm count and diagnosed with azoospermia our hearts broke all over again. Felt like are dreams were over like that all over again. But we don’t want to stop untill we have tried everything and we know with IVF it is  possible we new coming into this journey wasent gonna be easy and very emotional but we are in it for the long haul and we are not giving up on our journey. So now we are in the process of  getting a TESE procedure to see if they can retrieve sperm for IVF. We are willing to try anything in hopes to expand our family.

  • 09-05-2023


    So it is told that IVF is going be are only option an do to are insurance it will not cover IVF but it's still not gonna stop us going to be very expensive and a long road but we are not giving up we are not asking for a lot even $5.00 is a start and on are way to making are family happen. November 8 we have a consultation with cny fertility