Baby Cellitti

Lampasas, TX (US)
Created 7 months ago
Fertility Treatments

Baby Cellitti

by Delaney Cellitti

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $10,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 1988

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $10,000.00 Goal
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $ Please input donation amount
Lampasas, TX (US)

Delaney Cellitti is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

Delaney (25) & Michael (27)

After over a year of not conceiving naturally we decided to make an appointment to make sure everything is good. Nothing could explain why I was not getting pregnant. Everything was perfect medically.

We were referred to a fertility specialist in February 2022. Our doctor did every single test and ruled out anything that could explain the infertility without any luck. We were diagnosed “unexplained infertility”. Not only struggling with this news but to not even know why was even more frustrating. We continued our journey of 3 medicated cycles, medications, injections, ultrasounds, blood tests, ovulation sticks along with every over-the-counter supplement that we thought could help. Driving two hours almost every other day monitoring my progress seemed like an endless loop. Michael became my nurse administering every injection needed to help us get pregnant. We had nothing to show for it. Day after day dealing with the hormones was exhausting. I was at the point to where I was giving up. We were let down so many times. We discovered a cyst on my ovary. My doctor recommended surgery to pop the cyst. In June 2022 we drove an hour to have the cyst removed but when I woke up my husband told me news, I never thought I would have to hear. My left fallopian tube was severely damaged and had to be removed. This severely lowered our chances of conceiving to 5%. I was in absolute shock and heart broken. I didn’t want to believe it. We did one more medicated cycle and one IUI without any success. I was physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted.

In December 2022 we decided to take a break and let my body relax and recover. We had several conversations about our next course of action. Would we try a few more IUIs or move on to IVF? Would we give up the dream of having our own child and just adopt? We were stumped. Finally, we concluded to jump into IVF. After researching and seeing the cost of the expenses, we had no idea how we could come up with that amount of money. Any help would be absolutely appreciated. We are hoping to see Baby Cellitti in 2024/2025!