Baby Rose Fund 👶🏼🍼

Vacaville , CA (US)
Created 2 years ago
Fertility Meds

Baby Rose Fund 👶🏼🍼

by Tanner Rose

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $5,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $735.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$735.00 raised of $5,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Vacaville , CA (US)

Tanner Rose is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Our names are Tanner and Leah Rose. For the past three years, we have had unexplained infertility. We knew something was wrong when we had been trying for a year and we had NEVER gotten a positive pregnancy test. We were stationed in Germany at the time and had been told that fertility clinics in Europe were the best in the world. We got a referral to go to IVF Saar in Germany for diagnostic testing. We had the WORST luck. It took us 6 months to even get in for an appointment due to their back log of patients. Therefore, we decided to do our own research. We found out that Greece had VERY successful rates for IVF. We decided to get have our initial consult with a fertility clinic there. We knew our time in Germany would be cut short (Tanner was medboarded from the military and we were being told he would not be command sponsored so we were waiting for the “NO” and to get order back in the states) so we had to start IVF or IUI now. We looked up the statistics on both and IVF had way better chances. We decided to have our first IVF collection in June 2022. It was a SUCCESS and we ended up with 8 embryos. We decided to move forward with our first transfer. We had our first transfer on September 15, 2022 and 6 days later we had our FIRST EVER POSITIVE. We were so excited and just so thrilled to FINALLY BE PARENTS ❤️. Little did we know a week or two later I would get the news that it was a chemical miscarriage. We decided not to give up and try for another transfer. We knew at this time we would be leaving soon and if we wanted to try again, we had to do it now. We had our second transfer, and it failed. We were completely heartbroken! To this day, we still have no clue why this happened with both transfers. We ended getting stationed in California in January 2023. My primary doctor here wanted to do the full work up and had me referred to California IVF to see if we could get an answer to our unexplained infertility. After all the tests, we found out that now Tanner is dealing with male factor infertility. He has low morphology and due to it, he recommended IVF again with ICSI and wanted to start new. He also wanted us to go through genetic testing and have the eggs collection from collection to be genetic tested as well. He wanted to do the egg collection all over again. We had already spent $10,000 in Greece and we knew it would be way more expensive here. We decided to take a loan out for $20,000 (1 egg collection and 1 transfer). Leah just recently had her egg collection. We didn’t get the best news. 8 of our embryos stopped growing. Only 1 made it and due to Leah’s past implantation failures, the fertility specialist wants her to do the egg collection again. We are heartbroken all over and so stressed out.
We never expected for this to happen and now having to pay for the meds and egg collection all over again and we just can’t afford it.

The egg collection is an additional $8,500 and the additional injections are around $5,000 we weren’t budgeting to pay.

We thought long and hard about this but we are hoping our story will help others. Even if you can only give $5, we would be forever grateful. We are just wanting to be parents and having to deal with money stressors is making Baby Rose harder to achieve. Love, Tanner and Leah Rose 🥺❤️

Name Donation Date
Krystal Martin $50.00 June 17, 2023
Linda Martin $50.00 June 16, 2023
Anonymous $50.00 June 15, 2023
Elizabeth ( Lisa) Hernandez $50.00 June 15, 2023
Taylor Gonzales $50.00 June 15, 2023
Angelica Zeron $10.00 June 15, 2023
Anonymous $100.00 June 15, 2023
Lydia Velazquez $20.00 June 15, 2023
Janelle Arnett $20.00 June 15, 2023
Cristian Gutierrez $50.00 June 14, 2023
Ronak Patel $50.00 June 14, 2023
Rebecca Metts $50.00 June 14, 2023
Natalia Daugherty $50.00 June 14, 2023
Darian Wheeler $10.00 June 14, 2023
Austin Malone $25.00 June 14, 2023
Blake Campbell $50.00 June 13, 2023
Katherine Vaccaro $50.00 June 13, 2023
Anonymous commented with a $50 donation about 2 years ago
Though I only spent a short time with you guys in Germany, I could tell that you guys are great people and are one of the nice couples I’ve met; you definitely deserve the happiness a Baby Rose would bring. You guys are going to be great parents and which you all the best! - Alex Avenido
Elizabeth ( Lisa) Hernandez commented with a $50 donation about 2 years ago
Hope this helps. I’m Taylor Gonzales’s mother N law. Sending prayers your way 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Taylor Gonzales commented with a $50 donation about 2 years ago
I love you guys so much. Stay strong!
Cristian Gutierrez commented with a $50 donation about 2 years ago
Rooting for you ❤️
Rebecca Metts commented with a $50 donation about 2 years ago
I will always be rooting for you guys and baby Rose❤️
Natalia Daugherty commented with a $50 donation about 2 years ago
You guys are awesome 🫶🏼
Darian Wheeler commented with a $10 donation about 2 years ago
I think about you all the time with this Leah.. I know you’ll be an amazing mama! Love you bunches & wish you both the best!🩷
Blake Campbell commented with a $50 donation about 2 years ago
Love you battle. Praying for you both in your journey!
Katherine Vaccaro commented with a $50 donation about 2 years ago
Baby Rose is already so loved and we are rooting for you ❤️