Baby Skeens

Godwin, nc (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Baby Skeens

by Lindsey Skeens

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $10,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $825.38

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$825.38 raised of $10,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Godwin, nc (US)

Lindsey Skeens is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

We are Lindsey and Shane Skeens. A little about us, we started dating in 2015 when I was still in College in Greenville and Shane was living in Raleigh. Quickly we hit it off and made our relationship official. We were able to face and conquer a long distance relationship for a few years until we finally lived in the same place in 2017. We got engaged in 2019 and got started planning our 2020 wedding. If you shuttered a little when you read “2020 wedding” your assumption would be correct. Covid came around and severely altered our plans to celebrate with our family, but not our plans to start our lives together. Again, we were able to face and conquer the adversaries thrown our way. Together Shane and I hove gone through 2 big moves, multiple job changes and promotions, and most recently we purchased our first home.

Late 2020 Shane and I decided we wanted to try and grow our family. We already had 2 fur babies, whom we love dearly, but wanted to try our hand with a human baby. After many months or trying and failing to conceive, I decided to sought out more treatment. My regular doctor first ran some tests, which were not covered under insurance, and tried some alternative medicines to try to naturally conceive. After a few failed attempts, he referred me to a fertility clinic. My new doctor ran very similar tests and concluded that I have PCOS, and that to start our family we would need the help of IVF.

In the short amount of time Shane and I continue to face and conquer many obstacles. While we both do very well for ourselves, to save up the amount needed would take a long time and we are both very eager to start our family! We are hoping for any donations we can in order to get to our dream and be parents. No matter when we grow our family, we know our baby is already loved by so many!


Name Donation Date
Gabrielle Minnick $100.00 June 17, 2022
Sara Haley $50.00 June 10, 2022
Keith & Emily Kelt $50.00 June 06, 2022
Katherine Tuck $50.00 June 06, 2022
Gina Weller $50.00 June 02, 2022
Allison Keen $100.00 June 01, 2022
Ashley Brazie $50.00 May 29, 2022
Robin Duggins $50.00 May 29, 2022
Eleanor Thompson $25.00 May 28, 2022
Wonghol Domas $1.69 May 27, 2022
Chef Eddy $1.69 May 27, 2022
Anonymous $1.00 May 26, 2022
Anonymous $1.00 May 26, 2022
Jenna Farmer $100.00 May 25, 2022
Jacob Wade $25.00 May 24, 2022
Anonymous $20.00 May 24, 2022
Emily Pearce $100.00 May 24, 2022
Kelli Wiles $50.00 May 24, 2022