Help us make a Baby Woobio
Help us make a Baby Woobio
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Ashley Woodthorp is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Dear Gentle Reader,
Our names are Ashley and Joven and we are lucky enough to have found our soulmate in our thirties. We however have been unsuccessful in trying for a child for 3 years now. This has been quite the journey with several disappointments and tears shed along the way. We were able to afford one round of IVF in 2022 without a positive outcome and planned to continue but unfortunately hit financial hard times after that and have not been able to recover since. We’ve also had two miscarriages during this time as well while trying the old fashioned way.
I truly believe that with my low quality of eggs, IVF would be the best path for us in growing our family but the cost is unfortunately not something we can afford at this time, and with me turning 38 this month, I worry that these are my last couple of years I may even be able to.
I know we would make amazing parents but cannot afford IVF on our own so I am calling out to our community, the void, and whoever else may listen, to see if they can make our dream a reality.
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Ashley Woodthorp is organizing this fundraiser.