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Days to go

Brandie Alverez is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Well hello there.
My name is Brandie Alverez. My husband‘s name is Marcus…. And I will honestly just get right to the point in April 2012 I was told that my latest smear result had come back extremely abnormal, and they wanted to do some biopsies.. and you guessed it .. CANCER.. very aggressive, cervical cancer, and thankfully, at this time in my life, I believe I was about 26. I had two children my beautiful daughter Akaisia & my handsome son Jarren (aka Boobear) I seriously forgot my sons name at one point, and called him BooBear to his principal lol… but back to the point I was trying to make the doctor basically said I had two choices. My first choice was have a full hysterectomy and enjoy a (hopefully)long life… ORRR don’t have the surgery and become terminal in the blink of an eye basically and end up underground about 6 feet deep.. And the reason option to was even brought up .. was because for some reason I felt like I was SUPPOSED to have another child. I don’t know how to put it into word, but I knew it as well. As I know, I am currently writing this and pouring my soul in these words for strangers to read and possibly judge me for which is OK I know I sound crazy. lol …BUUUUUT part of the mystery ended when I met My Husband Marcus.. and prepare yourselves little forewarning. I’m about to sound extremely insane again, but MARCUS and I met one day after talking for a few weeks and finding out he worked like five minutes from my house. He turned the corner onto my street and the minute I saw him my life/ before my eyes but it was my “NEW LIFE” as I knew instinctually, this man was about to change anything and everything and all the things I had ever known in life thus far.. and before meeting him, I was 36 years old and never wanted to get married. I was depressed because I had never felt complete. I Had always felt like I was missing something… one of my first memories as a kid was this feeling of just not feeling whole… the second he turned the corner. His energy hit me and I just KNEW.. I knew I was going to marry this man and I also knew that feeling I had in 2012 feeling like I was supposed to have another child… IT MADE SENSE NOW!!! I WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE A CHILD WITH MY HUSBAND, MARCUS JUNIOR.. I LITERALLY SAW THIS BEAUTIFUL BOY IN MY MIND EYE SO VIVIDLY IF I COULD DRAW ANYTHING OTHER THAN STICK FIGURES I WOULD SKETCH HIM. .. but now that I have children and I am now 41 years old as of December 17th I understand anatomically my clock is ticking so just say, and I only have my left ovary (and that was actually a huge fight between me versus four doctors who were begging me to just have a full hysterectomy, but for some reason I just couldn’t give up any chance of having a biological child)
SO I COME TO YOU MY HUSBAND COMES TO YOU AS WELL, BUT IF I HAD LET HIM WRITE THIS, IT WOULD’VE BEEN THREE SENTENCES THREE VERY VERY MEANINGFUL SENTENCES BUT NONETHELESS, I FEEL IF ANYONE IS GOING TO DONATE TO. I DON’T WANT TO CALL IT cause “ I am going to call it our miracle… if you would like to donate to be a part of my prayers being answered my soul being complete and my life feeling like it’s purpose has been found… thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul.
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Brandie Alverez is organizing this fundraiser.