IVF Financial Help

Leesburg , Ga (US)
Created 2 years ago
Embryo Adoption

IVF Financial Help

by Mary Hawkins

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $5,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $5,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Leesburg , Ga (US)

Mary Hawkins is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Hello, my name is Mary. My husband (Don) and I have been married for 10 years. We have tried for many years now to have a baby and start our family, but unfortunately having a baby naturally was not in the plan for us. We have been through 12 pregnancies, two of which were stillborn and one little girl named Cassie that lived for two days. We have been to more specialists than we can count and have been through every test known to mankind to try and find out why we were unable to carry a baby. The issue is not getting pregnant. I can get pregnant easily, but carrying the baby full term is the problem. Either I miscarry or carry to around 27 weeks and the baby is then diagnosed with reverse blood flow and has to be born immediately and survival rates are low. The baby also stops growing and is diagnosed with severe IUGR. After multiple tests, it came back that I have a gene deletion known as 22Q12.3. However, some Dr,’s feel this isn’t what is causing the issue. I also have Hypothyroidism and some suspected this too. I am getting older, now 32 and my chances are becoming slimmer and slimmer. So, we came across “Snowflake Adoption”. When couples go through in vitro fertilization (IVF), sometimes there are fertilized eggs (embryos) that remain and are frozen for later use. When couples decide that their family is complete but still have embryos remaining, there are a few options. They can donate them to a couple who is unable to conceive. Couples can donate the embryos to research. Or they can thaw them, removing their chance of being born. A fourth option is to keep them frozen and continue to pay storage fees, but this is not a decision!
Embryo adoption allows the genetic parents to give their embryos a chance for life. And it provides us with an opportunity to have a child, a family. 🙂 Embryo adoption allows us to experience the pregnancy and the birth of a child. While this is the cheaper option to go with, the process is still very expensive so I am asking for your help. The NEDC’s program and Southeastern Fertility’s medical fees come to roughly $8,000. This includes matching services, document preparation and delivery, initial consultation with trial transfer, frozen embryo transfer (FET) fee, embryology/laboratory fees, and cycle preparation fee. Other costs will include: medications, home study, reimbursement for embryo transportation and donor FDA re-screening for STDs, and travel. In most cases, the total expenses for a first FET should come to roughly $10,500 to $12,000. If your first FET is unsuccessful and you come back for more attempts, the total expenses for those subsequent attempts will be significantly less: generally around $4,100 per FET.
I know this is a long shot, but I am starting to feel like my clock is ticking even though its already kind of broken. I just want the chance to be a mom.