All Fears Conquered
All Fears Conquered
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Porsche Emanuel is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
My name is Porsche and my wife Ana and I are raising money to help us pay for Reciprocal IVF Treatment so that we can start our family. For the last 12 years, Ana has dreamt of starting a family together, but I suffered from tokophobia, an intense fear of pregnancy and childbirth. This is because my mother passed away while giving birth to me. For all of my life, the fear has been overwhelming. But over the past couple of years, things changed. The fear is still there but I have been getting baby fever. I’m now so excited to start our family. We have been researching our options and the costs but still remain hopeful that through hard work and faith, our dream of creating a family together can come true.
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Porsche Emanuel is organizing this fundraiser.