Completing Our Family. Johnston baby to be

Oroville, CA (US)
Created 2 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Completing Our Family. Johnston baby to be

by Rachel Johnston

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $15,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $15,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Oroville, CA (US)

Rachel Johnston is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

Hi ? we are the Johnston family; Clinton (34), Rachel (33), Ayla (5) and Addie (1). We feel so blessed to have our precious girls but feel like our family isn’t yet complete. We have always envisioned our life with a large family, but have been met with many hardships and heartaches. Before having our first baby in 2016 I experienced several miscarriages. After Aylas first birthday we continued to try to expand our family only to be met with more miscarriages and a terrifying near death experience withand undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy and fallopian tube rupture that left me with only one fallopian tube , one ovary and more heartache.
Once we were cleared to try again I became pregnant 4 more times, each ending in miscarriages with the latest being at 14 weeks gestation. Then in 2020 just as the pandemic was in full swing a miracle occurred and we conceived Addie. With much fear and worry I was so relieved to make it to each milestone woth our rainbow ? baby. At my 28 week scan we found that the placenta had fused to my previous c section scar tissue making a vaginal delivery unsafe. So after weekly scans it was time to deliver our baby by csection at 35 weeks. While the OB/Gyn performed the surgery we were elated to hear our babies first cries and finally meet her. However, just moments after the operating room became serious and I was told that there was a mass on my one remaining fallopian tube and it would need to be removed and sent to pathology. Not just the mass was removed as it was so tightly wrapped around the tube and I lost my ability to conceive children naturally. Its something that has weighed heavy on my soul everyday since. We very much would love to have another baby but its going to require medical intervention (IVF) and is a financial hardship. Asking for help isn’t easy, but God has lead me here and in my heart I know that there are wonderful people out there who would love to help us.