Conceive Fertility Center IVF
Conceive Fertility Center IVF
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Algenise Harnage is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Hello my Algenise Harnage, I am a 42 year old beautiful lady who is looking to have one more child. I had my first child at 15 years old and then got pregnant again at the age of 16, unfortunately that pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. Trying for so many years to conceive and with no luck I just gave up. Now that I am in my first marriage and with the obyn telling me about my blocked tubes, cysts on both ovaries and fibroids has me feeling hopeless, so before I make any decisions about the reality that I may not be able to have children, I want to have one more child with all my might with the grace of God. Just looking for hope again.
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Algenise Harnage is organizing this fundraiser.