Endometriosis warrior with a dream

Fort Lauderdale, FL (US)
Created 2 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Endometriosis warrior with a dream

by Cassandra Jean

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $15,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $15,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Fort Lauderdale, FL (US)

Cassandra Jean is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

Hello my name is cassandra and I am a warrior with a dream background story I come from a family of 10 my parents were immigrants, who came here to provide us a better life. Growing up I was always surrounded by love and laughter I never felt alone and I remember telling my mom in elementary I will have 5 kids and my home will too be full with laughter. I didn’t know how much those very words would have a big emotional impact today. I met my now husband when I was 19 his name is Kenny crazy thing when I met him I was just getting to experience life, my parents sheltered me growing up so I was learning and evolving with him. At time kids weren’t in path way yet I just wanted to be stable safe and secure. We got pregnant early relationship to my surprise and it came with a lot of difficulties from my parents upset at us for not being married and my body constantly tearing it’s self down I made the decision to keep my son which led to a complicated child birth and the strength of everything we been through we got married. We were so happy later in the year we tried to have more kids and couldn’t I was told by doctor if you had a child before you can’t suffer from infertility boy was she wrong years of trying with no success we decided to take a mental break husband decided to become a truck driver I decided to go back to school and thank God for our son during this process. As my son got older he ask for sister and brother and my husband would jokes that when he have his little girl it be us against them. We tried again but sadly nothing and I seen literally 3 doctors who said I was fine. 2021 I began to have terrible pain and was dismissed by my doctor 2022 of January I found myself in hospital being told that it’s a possibility I may lose an ovary because of mass growing in my pelvic I told myself God finally gave use the answer we needed on why I couldn’t fall pregnant that day and I prayed he make a way. I find myself waking up from surgery being told you have stage 3 endometriosis I didn’t know what it meant I didn’t know the severity of what this doctor was telling me my bowel was connected to my uterus completely my ovaries and tubes to my pelvic and bladder as if they were one and the mass was a chocolate cyst which was more than one and they were filled with old blood and tissue. The doctor took consideration of my cries to save my reproductive organs because I wanted to at least have that brother or sister I heard my son ask God for. He told me at my stage a hysterectomy would be something I have to consider I’m not even in my 30-40 or finishing having kids so that wasn’t an option. I went on birth control for a while which I was told help reduce endometriosis growth and when I was healed and completely in healthy state of mind we tried again hsg test and two cycles of clomid I found myself back in the hospital October of 2022 not because I’m with child but because it was happening all over again because my endometriosis came back with a vengeance. I prayed the day at the hospital because from what the doctors seen was a 9cm mass covering my right ovary and my tube was filled with fluid doctor gave me a prep talk as if this was the day my uterus may have to be evicted. I came out of surgery with everything still there doctor said I had 9cm chocolate cyst on right with two 3cm chocolate cyst on left this time my bowel reattached to my uterus and my tube and ovary to my large intestines. I was told that my endometriosis is very progressive and being cut multiple time within a 10 months is dangerous specially with the organs that they have to detach from each other are susceptible to rupturing during surgery. With damage to my tube and my disease progression rate I was told that Ivf is my only solution to having more kids and after I need to remove everything. I was offered to go on birth control or induce menopause while me and my husband try to figure out how we are going to get the funds for the fertility treatment. It’s so hard on us all specially my son his teacher has told me he’s very vocal about not having siblings and feeling alone because other kids have siblings to play with but he doesn’t. Between school, hospital bills and the cost of living in florida we sometimes feel like hope is lost at times Ivf surrogacy or adoption is very expensive. I still have faith that God will help us that our journey and story hasn’t ended multiple surgeries later and endometriosis still has failed to claim my reproductive organs and that in itself give us strength to continue on this journey and asking those who would like to help bring victory to this story to please be apart of this testimony thank you.