Expand Our Lil Family

Freeland, WA (US)
Created 10 months ago
Fertility Treatments

Expand Our Lil Family

by Jordan Ashworth

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $30,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $100.00

    Funds Raised
  • 20

    Days to go
$100.00 raised of $30,000.00 Goal
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $ Please input donation amount
Freeland, WA (US)

Jordan Ashworth is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Hello. I’m Jordan & we are the Ashworth family. We are a family looking to hopefully get the opportunity to expand from three to four. Unfortunately, we found out when I was 30 (10 years post thyroidectomy due to cancer) that the radioactive iodine (I131) treatment likely has played a role in my premature ovarian failure due to chemical radiation damage. What is more upsetting is even then my first question to my cancer treatment team was “will this affect my ability to have kids” of which I was told “not enough studies but we don’t think so”.  I’ve had a major drop in my already low numbers that we believe that at age 32 we should be preserving the fertility I have left and hope to have one and even two  more beautiful beings to our lives before the option is taken away entirely. My reserve would indicate that I could hit peri menopause around age mid 30’s. My wonderful & loving husband Greg & I have so much love to give and would love nothing more than to be parents twice more to have our family complete. We know that with Low Ovarian reserve the odds aren’t in our favor of being able to do only one cycle but to get up to 6 embryos with 1 being normal to transfer. We are look more at 3 cycles to achieve what others achieve with one cycle. We also face the possibility of  2 to 3 cycles  being cancelled due to poor response or no response. We would be forever grateful for the help & support with the opportunity to have another little to grow up with our lil squish 💜

Name Donation Date
Anna Petersons $100.00 May 14, 2024