Fulfilling a family & saving a life frozen in time

Redford, MI (US)
Created 2 months ago
Embryo Adoption

Fulfilling a family & saving a life frozen in time

by Stephanie Davis

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $10,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $150.00

    Funds Raised
  • 111

    Days to go
$150.00 raised of $10,000.00 Goal
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $ Please input donation amount
Redford, MI (US)

Stephanie Davis is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

My name is Stephanie and recently found out that my AMH is extremely low so we are unable to get pregnant, despite trying since we were lucky enough to have our daughter 7 years ago. We would love to complete our family with a sibling for her (one she desperately wants too). We have found a family with embryos and it will take about $3,000 to get the embryos ownership transferred plus the legal fees. Then, there would be the expense of the actual medical transfer which would be an additional expense. Currently, the embryos are in Colorado and we are in Michigan.

We believe that life begins at conception so these embryos are frozen in time and we would love the opportunity to bring them to this side of life.

If you are able to give, every little bit helps and we are thankful. If you aren’t, we understand, but would ask that you pray for us as we move through this journey and share our story.

  • 02-21-2025

    Embryos are almost ours!!!

    Hi friends, we are in the very final stages of the embryos becoming ours. We are hopeful that within a week, that well be completed.

    Once that happens, things will move rather quickly. Please continue to pray for us and these embryos as we journey to bring them to life.

Name Donation Date
Jennie Norton $50.00 January 29, 2025
Anonymous $100.00 January 02, 2025
Jennie Norton commented with a $50 donation about 1 month ago
Praying for this journey!!!!!!!!!