Gift of a child Ivf treatments
Gift of a child Ivf treatments
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Crisma Williams is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
My name is charisma i’ve been trying to have a child now for 9 years I found out I was pregnant naturally in 2015 but sadly I had to terminate the pregnancy because it was not showing any signs of a heartbeat my husband and I decided to seek help from a fertility specialist.. we went through testing to see if there was any complications my husband had to have surgery as well as myself every procedure was paid for out-of-pocket.. A year later we got pregnant but it was a ectopic pregnancy so we decided to try a IUI it wasn’t successful it was a ectopic pregnancy as well.. I’m 35 years time is ticking my husband and I would love nothing more than to be able to become parents this will be our first Time being parents we’ve been together 17 years we also have 9 nephews 2 nieces as well as 2 God children we wouldn’t love anything more then to have a wonderful gift from God of being parents a generous donation of five dollars will be gratefully appreciated if you could find it in your heart We’ll be honored to accept your generous donation thanks for Reading my story may God bless you 🙌❤️
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Crisma Williams is organizing this fundraiser.