Gunn family baby fund

Richmond, Ky (US)
Created 1 year ago
Fertility Treatments

Gunn family baby fund

by Natausha Gunn

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $20,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $20,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Richmond, Ky (US)

Natausha Gunn is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

Hello we are the Gunn family. I am Natausha, my husband is Tim and our wonderful son is Dre. I am a social worker with a non profit agency and my husband is a police officer so we are both in the public service sector. I have endometriosis that was misdiagnosed by my former Obgyn which led to one of my fallopian tubes being removed and the other one damaged to the point it cannot allow an egg to pass through so my current Dr (and the specialist who removed my tube) said our only choice is to have IVF. Previous to this diagnosis, Tim and I tried for 4 years to get pregnant after our son begged for a sibling and even asked Santa for one. I am the only child and never wanted Dre to be an only child but after trying for over 11 years we have not been able to make his wish come true. Due to him being older (he’s 14) we thought that maybe he forgot about wanting another sibling but he still says he wish he could have a little brother or sister. Financially we have tried to clear some debt to make it possible to afford IVF but due to both of us being in the public service fields and due to bad financial decisions when younger and are working to repair, we have not been able to save the funds needed for IVF. We did have some savings (which would have paid for at least half of IVF) that we used for IUI treatments several years ago even though we were later told the Dr should not have done these treatments since they would have never work per my diagnosis at the time which the Dr knew about. I have dreamed of having more children and so has my husband but due to age I feel as if we are running out of time and so as much as I hate asking for help, I am asking now. Please consider helping my husband and I to make our son’s dream and our dream come true by allowing us to the chance to give him a sibling. We have so much more love to give and I feel as if I was born to be a mom to multiple children. I know we are blessed and so very thankful to have one child as many are not even able to have one but we still yearn to have more children and would appreciate any help. Thank you so much for any donation.