Harris Family
Harris Family
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Hanna Harris is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
My name is Hanna and my husband John and I met in 2012 and were immediately friends. We stayed close for a couple years, started dating, and have been together for just almost 9 years now. We got married on July 20, 2019 the same day John was in a motocross race accident in 2010, when he was 16 that left him paralyzed from a spinal cord injury. We decided to get married on that day in 2019 to make his very worst day our very best day together. He has overcome so many struggles and has a better attitude than anyone I’ve ever met. John and I have been trying to grow our family since late 2019 and unfortunately it hasn’t happened naturally. We were referred to Univ of Michigan fertility clinic in early 2021, where we started the process to do IVF. We had our first egg retrieval in September 2021 with 17 eggs retrieved, and ended up with 2 good quality embryos. We did a fresh transfer of one embryo, and got a positive beta 9 days after transfer. But with bHCG #2 that was lower, we knew that it was the start of a miscarriage. We were heartbroken, but looked forward to transferring our last remaining embryo from this round.
Our last embryo resulted in a healthy pregnancy, a baby girl that we were SO excited to watch grow each week of the pregnancy. We had a perfect anatomy scan, and healthy Dr’s appointments every time. At 25 weeks I started noticing decreased fetal movement since our girl was always on the move. I checked with my OB office and they weren’t concerned since we were healthy but I couldn’t shake the feeling that baby girl wasn’t moving like normal. On October 13, 2022 our world was shattered and will never be the same. We went to Labor and Delivery on a gut feeling that something wasn’t right, and our healthy perfect baby no longer had a heartbeat. Over the next couple days of living a nightmare and being induced to deliver our sleeping angel, we got to meet Juliette Sawyer at 3:13pm on October 15. It all seems like a nightmare and not our new reality that we have to live our lives much different than we had been planning. We buried Juliette the following week at the most beautiful cemetery in our area.
Since Juliette was our last remaining embryo from our first round, we have to start all over with IVF- another huge expense with no insurance coverage for fertility treatments.
We would be eternally grateful for any help,
Thank you so much for hearing our story!!!!
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Hanna Harris is organizing this fundraiser.