Help Anissa & Kyle start their family through IVF
Help Anissa & Kyle start their family through IVF
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Anissa Sauceda is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Hi everyone, this is definitely out of our comfort zone and as some people may know it can be very uncomfortable to be vulnerable, but here we are! I’ve always struggled with the fact that I may never get pregnant naturally and there was always a thought in my head that I may never have a child of my own. As of last year of 2022, we had been trying to conceive for a little over a year. We went to a fertility clinic and found out that our best chances were through IVF. It unimaginably broke my heart, but I also still had a chance to build a family with Kyle. As a teenager in high school, I had to have a surgery done in order to save my life. Little did I know, that at that time it would also affect my future. I now have scar tissue on my fallopian tubes blocking any way for me to get pregnant and although we have two fur babies, we’d like to bring a little one into this world. As most women, our dream is to start a family, feel a baby growing inside of us, go through the goods and bads of pregnancy, and just feeling that unique type of love that a parent can give. IVF can be very expensive and an understatement of emotional ups and downs, so anything that you are able to donate for us and our future baby would be extremely helpful. If Kyle and I can get through this I know it’s because of all the love, prayers, and support we have through our closest family and friends. Thank you and we love you all!
Name | Donation | Date |
Belen Avalos | $100.00 | April 05, 2023 |
Ponch Soria | $100.00 | January 19, 2023 |
Michael Patterson | $50.00 | January 17, 2023 |
Jorge Buenrostro | $15.00 | January 17, 2023 |
abby kleinsmith | $25.00 | January 16, 2023 |
Jessica Cota | $20.00 | January 12, 2023 |
Brandon Sandoval | $20.00 | January 12, 2023 |
Esther Cruz | $50.00 | January 12, 2023 |
Angeles Martinez | $20.00 | January 11, 2023 |
Anonymous | $20.00 | January 11, 2023 |

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Anissa Sauceda is organizing this fundraiser.