Help Bring Home Chelsea & Jason’s Miracle Baby
Help Bring Home Chelsea & Jason’s Miracle Baby
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Chelsea Jordan is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Greetings everyone! My name is Chelsea Jordan. My husband Jason and I are creating this fundraiser because we are ready to start the exciting process of building a family of our own. We are asking for help because to do this, we’ll need medical assistance to conceive a child via IVF. In addition, I will likely need surgery before IVF. Insurance doesn’t cover most of these costs, which can be an average of $9,000 per cycle/attempt in Washington & Oregon. All funds we receive would go toward IVF treatments, surgery and any other directly related medical costs.
When I was almost 12 years old, I suffered from appendicitis and endured a ruptured appendix for several weeks before I underwent emergency surgery. Due to the extent of the damage from having an untreated ruptured appendix, I am not able to conceive naturally. My body developed scar tissue as well as a fluid-filled blockage in my fallopian tube called a hydrosalpinx. A hydrosalpinx is known to cause infertility, and coupled with internal scarring, has proven to be the barrier I’m now facing toward reaching motherhood.
In addition to eventual IVF, I will be looking at having either a Salpingectomy (Remove one fallopian tube) or a Salpingostomy (Repair the blockage of the fallopian tube). One of these surgeries could improve my chances of conceiving.
At the time of my appendectomy, the doctor explained to my mother that I’d “never have children naturally”. We’re ready to prove that doctor wrong. Medicine has come a long way since then and because I am otherwise healthy, IVF and surgery might just be the assistance I need to become a mom.
Having children of my own has always been something I have greatly desired and envisioned since I was very young. Now, Jace and I feel we are ready to embrace this exciting challenge together. Any help you can provide, no matter how small, will be deeply and humbly appreciated. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping us with this journey.
Yours Sincerely,
Chelsea & Jason
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Chelsea Jordan is organizing this fundraiser.