Help grow our family
Help grow our family
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Elizabeth Fischer is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Struggling with infertility is something no one should ever have to endure, but little miracles often take time.
Many of you know us and know our fertility journey, but for those who don’t we’re Liz and Adam and we’ve been trying to grow our family for 4 years now, unfortunately with no success.
Through these 4 years of trying to grow our family we’ve had a lot of heartbreak and hope lost. It just doesn’t come easy to everyone it seems. We’re thankful we live in a time where there is medical help. I’ve gone through bloodwork, so many ultrasounds I couldn’t even count, two surgeries, 7 unsuccessful IUIs, months and months of fertility medication, countless negative pregnancy tests and a toll on my mental health. Nothing about this has been easy, and at times I wondered if it was even worth all the pain, exhaustion and money. We’ve somehow managed to hold onto a little strand of hope, longing for something to work and finally getting our miracle.
This past November after another failed cycle we took a short break from treatment, just to relax and focus on ourselves. During this time we talked about what we should do next. Should we stop and just be happy with what we have? Should we continue doing what hasn’t been working? Or should we try doing IVF? Of course we’d be happy if this is the life we’re meant to live, but it was hard to not think of the what if. What if what we’ve been doing or IVF worked!? How could we not give it a shot? After thinking about all the options and doing some math we decided it would be better to put our money where the success may be, and that is IVF. It’s not going to be easy but we know we have a village rooting for us!
Your donations will help to relieve some of the financial burden we’ve already gone through with the treatment we’ve done and for the bigger price tag IVF brings. The price at the clinic we found is low compared to others but is still a good chunk of change. It’s also not local, so driving or flying and staying in hotels will add to our cost. Any amount you’d wish to give will help us tremendously and we’d forever be grateful for your generosity.
Love, The Fischers
Name | Donation | Date |
Katie Hahn | $20.00 | February 04, 2024 |
Shannon McGilloway | $100.00 | February 01, 2024 |
Jana Raupp | $25.00 | February 01, 2024 |
Anonymous | $25.00 | January 31, 2024 |
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Elizabeth Fischer is organizing this fundraiser.