Help Katherine & Charles complete their family

Chattanooga, TN (US)
Created 2 years ago
Fertility Meds

Help Katherine & Charles complete their family

by Katherine Teppenpaw

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $1,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $120.00

    Funds Raised
  • 37

    Days to go
$120.00 raised of $1,000.00 Goal
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $ Please input donation amount
Chattanooga, TN (US)

Katherine Teppenpaw is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

Hello Lovely Reader,

My name is Katherine, and I want to complete my family.  I have the house, the yard,  the furchildren.  Now it’s time for a little human.  I understand the risks associated with starting a family, but I do not want to give up without a fight.

I met my husband, Charles, seven years ago.  I don’t believe in soulmates or love at first sight, but when we met something felt right.  We were always focused on building our careers so when it came time to start a family, we would be able to give our children a life they deserve.  We didn’t actively prevent a pregnancy from happening; however, it has never happened naturally.  We started actively trying for a family 3 years ago, but life has thrown us a few curveballs which caused the family focus become secondary.

My cycles are reasonably regular.  My body appears to do what it’s supposed to do each month, yet I have not fallen pregnant.  I believe I haven’t been spared from PCOS.  Many women in my family have struggled to conceive.  I do believe they have battled with PCOS and/or endometriosis.  Endometriosis is a painful condition where the uterine line grows outside the uterus.  Endometriosis doesn’t make it that much harder to get pregnant for mild or moderate cases.  PCOS is Polycystic ovary syndrome.  It’s a hormonal condition that can affects women during their childbearing years, often affecting the ability to have a child.  It can also: stop periods or make them hard to predict, cause acne and unwanted body and facial hair, raise the risk of other health problems (including diabetes and high blood pressure). There are treatments for the symptoms.  Pregnancy can happen, but medicines are needed to improve fertility.

I’ve been to the doctor and all my bloodwork and hormone levels have come back within normal range, which I am beyond thankful for.  Last year had my cycles out of whack.  It could have been due to the many stresses of life at the time.  I had missed a couple of periods and was worried my uterine lining could be abnormal.  My ultrasounds came back as normal, I started thinking that possibly my hormones are not enough to cause a lot of endometrium to grow and trigger ovulation to happen.  I do not believe I have endometriosis because my periods are not painful.  There has not been any mention of abnormal endometrial growth outside my uterus.

Over the years, it has taken a toll on my emotional and mental health.  It weighs heavy on me time and time again.  It’s a terrible crushing feeling.   Like all the dreams and hopes of it happening are gone.  Another gut punch and heart stabbing.  Another reminder that my body is screwed up.  Another reminder that I can’t even function like a proper woman.  It’s sad.  It’s heartbreaking.  It’s soul snatching.  It’s full of anger.  I break down emotionally, and I feel like a failure.  I often feel like I’m being punished for focusing on my career.  I feel like I am at war with myself.  One side tells me to throw in the towel and give up because it is too late and unfair.  The other side tells me to not give up without trying, and that there is still hope.  I choose to listen to the latter because I will not give up without giving it my all.

I am asking for you to help us on this journey by donating to our fundraiser.  We are seeking assistance with the financial burden of infertility diagnosis and treatments. Infertility diagnosis and treatments are not currently covered under health insurances.  We are honored and grateful for any help.  Any and every little bit counts.  If you can’t donate, would you mind sharing my fundraiser to reach more people?  If there is any money left over, I will pay it forward. Thank you very much for reading.

Name Donation Date
Chuck and Bobbie Teppenpaw $100.00 June 17, 2022
Leah Dew $20.00 June 09, 2022
Chuck and Bobbie Teppenpaw commented with a $100 donation about 2 years ago
praying for you both CJ and Katherine ❤️