Help make him a biological daddy

Camas , Wa (US)
Created 2 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Help make him a biological daddy

by Laurie Takapu

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $10,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $10,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Camas , Wa (US)

Laurie Takapu is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

We are reaching out to friends and family for a sensitive purpose. It’s not easy to talk about. I have been blessed in the past to have 6 lovely daughters. I’m very thankful for them. As many of you know I am remarried and feel blessed to have this new relationship. My husband also feels blessed to have 6 new daughters in his life but has no biological children of his own. We have been open to having a baby together since we got married but it hasn’t happened yet. With my situation of having 1 ovary and the fact we are in our mid 40s presents some obstacles for us (especially me). We would love to add a child to our lives (especially a boy lol) but with no coverage for fertility issues thru my insurance it’s is a completely uphill battle. Any finacial help at this point would be a huge blessing…if many people gave a little it could add up to alot. Thanks for your consideration. Love from Kelvin and I. … Laurie