Help make my husband a daddy :)

Phoenix, AZ (US)
Created 9 months ago
Fertility Treatments

Help make my husband a daddy :)

by Candace Silva

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $15,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $15,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Phoenix, AZ (US)

Candace Silva is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

Hello All! My name is Candace. I’m hoping my story and journey will help others be inspired to help my husband and I grow our family. I am 39 (few months from 40) with two grown beautiful daughters. I have raised my daughters on my own with no help through their lives. I had always wanted to be a mother to 4 or 5 children, however that dream fell short when I had to raise my two girls alone, finish school and work. I dated, but never seriously as my focus was my girls and I swore to myself I’d never have more children because it was a hard journey doing it alone…….then I met the man that changed it all. I fell in love with the most amazing, kind, loving human alive- my husband, Brian 7 years my younger. We clicked in every way imaginable. He has no children of his own, but comes from a wonderful family. He had been careful to not bring children into this world as he felt he was not ready and his life choices were not great. When we came together we both changed and created such a beautiful life and family together. We decided we wanted to have 1 child. I wanted to experience a family with him and give him a child. His first biological child. He is amazing to my daughters and treats them as his but they are grown and he missed so much of bringing a child up. We decided to try. I came off birth control-was told it may take awhile to become pregnant due to my age and being on BC so long. Two months later I was pregnant. I found out father’s day weekend- what a great surprise to give him on his first father’s day!! We were extatic and scared. We had an ultrasound at 8 weeks, saw the heartbeat. Our hearts melted. My daughter’s, him and I all went to the 11 week appointment together happy, having a great day….ready to see our little one all together on the ultrasound….the Dr. got quiet. The room became still and silent. Her facial expression changed. I knew something was wrong. I started to cry and said what’s wrong? We were told we lost the baby….the room was quiet, heads dropped. We all had tears. My body did not take to the miscarriage well. After several doses of medication, a d&c and an infection, I finally passed the baby. After this my body did not regulate again. Testing all came back normal. Then my AMH came back below 1. I have very few eggs left. Dr. said I need to start fertility treatment asap. Of course my insurance does not cover any of the costs. I want us to grow our family. I want my husband to experience being a father, having a baby. The pregnancy. All of it. I know he’s the right man. So, now I begin the fertility venture.

I am truly asking for any help. Even $5 goes a long way. Spread the word. Share our story and let us share ours with you. I don’t like asking for help, but I finally need to. Please help our family create life.

Thank you 💙