Hope on the Horizon: Supporting a Disabled DV Survivor’s Fertility Journey
Hope on the Horizon: Supporting a Disabled DV Survivor’s Fertility Journey
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Donisha Polk is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Hi, my name is Donisha, but I prefer Neshao, and I’m a black disabled nonbinary DV survivor. I’m trying to raise money to help me pay for fertility treatments and travel expenses and find a qualified anti-racist provider to have more children safely and successfully. Every donation will go toward helping me achieve this goal and to create a brighter future for myself and my family. Your contribution will help me take these critical steps in my life and will also help to bring awareness to the issues faced by survivors like me. Your support is greatly appreciated. Thank you for considering donating to help me reach my goal!
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Donisha Polk is organizing this fundraiser.