Help Monica & John expand their family (:
Help Monica & John expand their family (:
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Days to go

Monica Molina is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Hi, my name is Monica. My husband & I met at co-ed softball in our early 20’s & instantly fell in love. We are BEST friends. We were engaged on our 1 year anniversary July 31st, 2018 & married just after our 1 year engagement anniversary – September 21st, 2019. In March of 2019, we suffered a miscarriage & it broke our hearts, but we did not let it discourage us! In August of 2020, we welcomed our princess Leilani into the world. It was love at first sight. She is a beautiful, funny little girl filled with so much personality! We immediately knew we wanted more kids. When our daughter was about 6 months, we started trying for another but had no luck.
In April of 2021, I began spotting & it went on for about 3 weeks. After the 3rd week, I figured I should get it checked out so I made an appointment with my gynecologist. The first thing they did was bloodwork. My HCG levels came back high so I did a pregnancy test at home & it immediately turned positive. They continued doing bloodwork & my levels kept rising, but not doubling as they should. Next, they did an ultrasound but could not find anything in my uterus or anywhere else. After multiple ultrasounds & bloodwork, they finally located the baby in my fallopian tube. They told me I could kill off the pregnancy with a shot or get a laparoscopy done to remove the baby. However, the same day they found the baby, I began getting intense sharp pains in my pelvic area & felt light headed & nauseous. The doctors sent me to emergency surgery right away, in which I lost my right fallopian tube. We were shattered, but we kept our faith knowing there was still a possibility to get pregnant.
Fast forward to March of 2022… we had been trying to get pregnant again for a couple months (after we got the doctor’s ok). The same thing began happening though. The doctors thought this time was different, but I knew in my heart that it seemed the same. & so began all the bloodwork & ultrasounds. Again, my HCG levels were high, but this time, they were DOUBLING. I even got a “congratulations” from the doctor. However, they were not finding anything in my uterus once again. We waited for the weekend to go by. Monday, they did another ultrasound, & this time they could see the baby CLEAR AS DAY in my left fallopian tube. Not again. How could I possibly be having another ectopic pregnancy???? An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy in which the fertilized egg implants outside the uterus. A baby cannot survive outside of the uterus. There is only a 10% chance of having another ectopic pregnancy once you have one, but the chance does increase. I could not believe this was really happening again.
This time, they caught it early & we wanted to try to save my last tube, so I chose to get the shot to kill off the pregnancy. The shot is a chemotherapy shot that kills off white blood cells in order to stop the pregnancy from progressing. It was a painful shot & had awful side effects as well. The same night I got the shot, I had to go to the hospital because I was experiencing extreme pain. They told me this was normal & it meant the medicine was working. So they prescribed me strong pain meds & discharged me. The next morning, I was about to leave to work but could not even walk to my car. I started sweating & was very lightheaded & nauseous. I couldn’t even drive. I contemplated calling an ambulance, but hung in there until my husband could come take me to the hospital. When we arrived at the hospital, I told them I was having an ectopic pregnancy & was in terrible pain. They were about to give me strong pain meds again, but told me I should probably use the bathroom first. I went to the bathroom with my husband & nurse (I could barely walk) & I passed out on my way back. I found out later that it was because I was losing too much blood. Therefore, my gynecologist was called in & she told me I was not looking good & I should probably get the surgery. They told me they would try their best to save my tube, but if it had too much damage, they’d have to remove it.
Fast forward to the end of the surgery & I did end up losing my other tube because the baby had kept growing, causing the tube to burst. I lost a lot of blood this time around & it was much more intense/scary. They kept me overnight to monitor my blood levels. After this, we were absolutely devastated at the fact that we could no longer have kids on our own. Our only way to have children now was by surrogacy or IVF (both expensive options). We have definitely looked into many different things & have tried to figure out a way to make this happen. On a side note, my husband’s work insurance is expensive and I have to be on it for a year to get anything covered (not to mention there is a high deductible). I on the other hand, have state insurance which does not cover IVF (I can understand why). We are still hopeful knowing that we CAN have more kids if we’re able to raise the money, so we are SO grateful to everyone who has donated, shared our story, or just showed us support with words!
This is why we created this fundraiser.
We would love to have more kids & give our daughter a sibling! Any little thing helps! Even just a share! We appreciate you taking the time to stop by & read our story!
Love, the Molinas (:
Name | Donation | Date |
Alyssa Chausse | $100.00 | October 03, 2023 |
Ana Orellana | $25.00 | September 20, 2023 |
Jacqueline Giusto | $50.00 | September 19, 2023 |
Samantha Rodriguez | $25.00 | May 04, 2023 |
Jackie Framski | $100.00 | May 03, 2023 |
Jennifer Finn | $25.00 | May 03, 2023 |
Tatiana Ortiz | $40.00 | May 03, 2023 |
Karry Morgan | $25.00 | May 03, 2023 |
Anna Morgan | $25.00 | May 03, 2023 |
Ro Henderson | $25.00 | May 03, 2023 |
Daniel Villafane | $100.00 | November 18, 2022 |
Dee Williams | $100.00 | November 09, 2022 |
Ramonita Mercado | $200.00 | November 08, 2022 |
Mariah Castillo | $100.00 | November 08, 2022 |
Lisa Fortier | $100.00 | November 06, 2022 |

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Monica Molina is organizing this fundraiser.