Help Patrice&Dayvon compete their family with IVF
Help Patrice&Dayvon compete their family with IVF
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Patrice Cole is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Hello My name is Patrice I’m 31 years old, About 3 years ago We decided to try for a baby, We Was so excited when my pregnancy test came back positive, I went for my 1st ultrasound, They didn’t see anything in my uterus So they had to do a vaginal Ultrasound. That’s when we got the bad news, That I was pregnant And my fallopian tube On the left side, This was so New to us…. So they proceed to tell us I have to have surgery, To Remove the baby In my tube…. After That I was so devastated…. So we didn’t just give up, I still had 1 Tube left On my right side… So about last year the beginning of the year, We decided to try again, We took a pregnancy test it came back positive we were so excited we thought things would be different this time. So we scheduled appointment to see Our doctor Our appointment was in a month and a 1/2….. We got to our appointment did the ultrasound, They didn’t see anything in my uterus again, I thought to myself not again. So they proceed to do the vaginal ultrasound, I was pregnant my tube again and I had to get surgery again….. So they proceed to tell me it’s A 50/50 percent chance They might be able to save my right and only Tube .. When I woke up from my surgery, They proceed to tell me they couldn’t save my right tube. I wanted to just die there I was so depressed for weeks months….. LIke that’s all I dreamed about being a mother. So now I’m here asking for any help so I can go through the IVF procedure.
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Patrice Cole is organizing this fundraiser.