Help us Grow our “Glo”

Summerville , South Carolina (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Help us Grow our “Glo”

by Erica Henry

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $25,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $25,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Summerville , South Carolina (US)

Erica Henry is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Hi, for those who don’t know us, we are Erica and Logan Henry.

Our journey as friends began 15 years ago. As a couple, 11 years ago. As hubby and wife, 6 years ago and we’ve been waiting to start our journey as parents for a little over 3 years now. We couldn’t have imagined how difficult our journey to parenthood would be.

As a Pediatric Dental Hygienist, I adore kids. And, as an entrepreneur, my husband is ecstatic to have a little someone to help coach and grow. We are in our early 30’s and have decided we can’t wait any longer to have our sweet “Glo” to love.

Our fertility story in a nutshell:
We’ve had the unfortunate timing of trying for a baby a few months before a global pandemic. I was brushed off by OBs and GYNs. Being told I was healthy, my bloodwork was normal and my husband had no issues with his “swimmers”. I was told, “keep tying”, “don’t stress” and “it’ll happen”. I was given meds for nearly a year to help me ovulate, but was already ovulating on my own and still no baby. I was frustrated and confused, switching doctors 3 times. Just trying to get someone to listen.

After 3 years of ovulation and temp tracking, multiple ultrasounds, medications and who knows how much bloodwork, I was exhausted and had enough. I became my own advocate and got to work researching and asking questions on what could be wrong.

I asked my OB for an HSG and was FINALLY referred to a specialist. I was told my left Fallopian tube is blocked and surgery is not an option. I was living my nightmares. I didn’t want to believe it, I still don’t want to believe it. I went on to have a Hysteroscopy and was told I also have a/some polyp(s) near my cervix. We were told we only have a 3% chance of conceiving naturally and were given two options. IUI or IVF. With only a 10% success rate with IUI, and a 70% success rate with IVF.

Now, we are staring down the barrel of a journey I didn’t want to take. We have no fertility insurance coverage and have spent thousands out-of-pocket already. We told ourselves, if we waited to have kids we’d be more financially stable. Well, we’ve found we are not stable enough for IVF. So, we’ve decided that, sometimes, miracles need a little help.

Why do we say our “Glo”?:
In October of 2020, I had a dream about our baby. It woke me from my sleep and I had the urge to write down what I was hearing. From this dream came a poem, it read…

I’m supposed to glow, and my “Glo” is supposed to grow. No one told me it would be this hard, no. I know my “Glo” will grow, grow tiny fingers and hands and toes. Be the peace in the world that I try to show.

I’m supposed to have a son, one who is proud of where he comes from. He will be raised to know that race does not define if someone is smart or dumb. He will be worthy of all his dad and I have won. All we’ve fought for and all we’ve overcome. I will have a son.

I’m supposed to have a daughter. Smart and independent, who isn’t afraid of being loud and staying true to what we taught her. She will move mountains and have her daddy’s drive, not be defined by the stuff he bought her. I will have a daughter.

I’m supposed to be a mom. Be the strength my kids can lean on. I’ll take all the days of getting peed on and all the nights with all my sleep gone, I’m over the silence and clean counters that I weep on.

I’m supposed to pray, so here it goes. God, I am ready to receive my “Glo”. Raise them to know you, or some form of you, I promise they will know. They say it’s all in your timing, this I know, but I am ready to grow my “Glo”.

Since this day nearly two years ago, we have been asking God for our “Glo”.

Now, we’re having to ask you. As we’re finding out, miracles, sometimes, need a little help.

We are so appreciative of anything anyone can give, even if it’s just a prayer.

Determined to grow our “Glo”,
The Henry’s