Help us start our family

Delta, BC (CA)
Created 2 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Help us start our family

by Alicia Parisien

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $25,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $25,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Delta, BC (CA)

Alicia Parisien is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

To whom ever reads this I am Alicia and my fiancés name is David. I was battling chronic pain for a long time when I finally found out some devastating news, I was going to have to have one of my fallopian tubes removed. The scar tissue on and around my tubes was causing me a tremendous amount of pain. I was told by doctors having the procedure would reduce the chances of getting pregnant by 50 percent. At the time the pain was too much to handle so I went ahead with the surgery, holding onto the hope the pain would be over and I would still be able to get pregnant in the future. After my procedure, my pain subsided tremendously, so I was thrilled, followed by disappointment when I was told the second tube was very damaged and it would be challenging to get pregnant in the future. As years went on I didn’t give much thought to being a mother but when David and my love story began, I became a stepmom. I started thinking of what life would be like as a mom and to have my own family. We first got pregnant at the beginning of 2021 but we had a miscarriage. It was very upsetting but it also solidified that having a baby is what we wanted and we tried again. Just over a year ago we got the exciting news we were pregnant. We were so excited and were already picking out names. We booked an appointment for an ultrasound. I was informed the appointment would be a bit due to the backup caused by covid. One day before the ultrasound appointment I began having an incredible amount of abdominal pain. I went to the hospital, where I discovered the pregnancy was ectopic. Due to the long wait to get in for our ultrasound, the baby had almost burst through the tube. I went in for emergency surgery a few hours later, where they terminated the pregnancy, and with it, my last tube… last hope at naturally getting pregnant. We were devastated. Even a year and a bit down the road, it is still hard to think about. Now that some time has passed for us to heal, we are excited to announce we will be starting our in-vitro journey with Olive Fertility Center. British Columbia is not one of the provinces that cover in-vitro and it is expensive. When you add in all the stuff needed to have a baby in the first place, it just seems impossible. We aren’t giving up hope though. We are both working very hard to get the funds together, but if you could donate to help us get closer, we would be forever grateful. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, and we will keep everyone posted on our progress with the fertility clinic.