Heyboer’s Have Hope
Heyboer’s Have Hope
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Crystal Heyboer is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Many of you know that I suffer from infertility. For those that are new, I’ll give you a brief backstory. Zack and I got married back in November of 2014. From then on we knew we wanted a family. We didn’t officially start trying until January of 2016. I went to the doctor for a check-up a couple of months later and explained to my doctor how we have just been trying to concieve. We didn’t prevent it the first couple of years but were wondering why it hadn’t happened. I was diagnosed with PCOS and put on metformin and tried clomid for a few months, which rolled into 2017. When it was unsuccessful my doctor then suggested us doing an HSG test. An HSG, or Hysterosalpingography, is an X-ray test to outline the internal shape of the uterus and show whether the fallopian tubes are blocked. We did the test and just my luck, both of my tubes were blocked. When talking to my doctor about it she then told us we needed to see a fertility specialist. We moved to Fort Drum, NY in December of 2017, due to being Active Duty Army. It was like fate put us there because it just so happens that 2 hours away from where we were stationed there was an amazing clinic called CNY Fertility. As soon as I heard about them, I changed my insurance and called and made my consult appointment. February of 2018 we had our consult, made all the appointments for testing. In April of 2018, I had my tubes removed. In May, we did our egg retrieval. We were blessed with 8 beautiful embryos. We scheduled our fresh transfer not too long later. Sadly, that one was unsuccessful. A few days later we started everything for our first frozen embryo transfer. On July 11, 2018, I transferred two beautiful 5AA embryos. On July 20, 2018, I found out I was pregnant! On July 30, 2018, I found out I was pregnant with TWINS!! Fast forward to March 15, 2019, and I gave birth to two beautiful baby girls. Now they are 3 years old and we are wanting to give them a baby brother or sister. In February 2022 we started our first cycle for us to have another baby. We thought because we got pregnant pretty simple with the twins that this should be pretty easy. Boy were we wrong. On February 22, 2022, I was in NY and had my first transfer in 4 years. On March 1, 2022, I decided to take a pregnancy test and it was POSITIVE! We were so excited! I was pregnant! Well instead of just leaving it at that I kept taking tests every day until my BETA day to make sure the progression was going well. But of course it was too good to be true. Two days later, on my BETA day, and my line was almost gone. I knew what was happening. I was having a chemical miscarriage. Still hoping and praying for a miracle. That was on a Friday and I never received my results until that Monday, but I took a pregnancy test on that Sunday and my line was completely gone. Sure enough getting my results on Monday, I was no longer pregnant. I had a chemical miscarriage. As much as it hurt, I moved forward. We decided to jump into the next cycle. On March 29, 2022, I had my second transfer. I couldn’t take any pregnancy tests due to a new add-on I was doing which was HCG boosters. So no matter what my first BETA would be positive, so I had 3 done. Again, I was pregnant but I had another chemical miscarriage. Having as easy a time getting pregnant with the twins, it was very frustrating to start having all of these issues. Thankfully my clinic is amazing and scheduled an appointment with my doctor to discuss how to make sure I don’t lose another baby. We have an amazing plan to move forward but unfortunately, surgery is the first step. I need a hysteroscopy and D&C done. It is to help us move forward and help the issues. We upped my medications, added more medications, and changed my whole protocol, I have 3 protocols now to be exact. We drained our savings with the first 2 transfers and with everything being changed and needing surgery. We need all the help we can get to help us add Heyboer Baby #3 to our family and give Chyler and Cansada their baby brother or sister. <3
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Crystal Heyboer is organizing this fundraiser.