It takes a Village
It takes a Village
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Tiffany Lee is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Hello, for those that don’t know me my name is Tiffany and my husband’s name is Greg. Just a little bit about us. We both turned 35 in April, coincidentally we are 7 days apart. We have been together for 14 years now. He found me on an online dating website and we quickly fell in love. Not long after that, we became inseparable. We have spent very few days apart since becoming a couple in March of 2010, we then got married on September 22 of 2012 and we bought our house in December of 2021. We have built a great life thus far, we are just missing a few pieces of the puzzle.
A little backstory of our life over the last several years. Infertility is just one of many hurdles that we have have had the unpleasant pleasure of trying to overcome. While we never really prevented pregnancy, we have only been “actively” trying for a baby for 3 out of the last 4 years. During the first 3 years, I had 3 miscarriages, as well as a failed IUI. To say it was rough is an understatement. It was not only tough mentally and physically, but also financially. So the last year we took a break, to try to get some perspective, as well as, recover from the trauma that we went through.
To explain further, I do have unexplained infertility and PCOS, which makes it more difficult to get pregnant, but not impossible. I also found out during my miscarriages, that my progesterone bottoms out and will not stay in a range that is compatible with pregnancy.
We have a had a long and difficult journey, not unlike so many others that are longing to become parents. The statistics are that 1 in 8 struggle with infertility and 1 in 4 will have experienced a pregnancy loss. That means there are so many people, many people you may know, however, they never talk about. And right now, I want to break that silence. We continue to struggle with the idea that this may never happen, but we will continue to fight as long as we have hope. We will overcome.
We have also been on a bit of a health journey the last several years due to some ongoing health issues. I lost about 86 lbs in the last year and Greg’s lost around 50 lbs. We have been working hard on our mental health, too. When I say the struggle is real, the struggle is REAL. We are out here trying, and if I do say so myself, killing it the best way we know how.
We did recently met with a fertility clinic here in Indiana. Unfortunately, they informed us, our best chance to get pregnant is through IVF. We definitely cannot afford that right now. So our conversation took a turn and they were so graciously willing to do a medicated cycle, with both pills and shots, along with an IUI to see if we can get pregnant. We are going to do that first in hopes that it works before moving on to IVF.
As we all know, fertility treatments are expensive. The average cost of the IUI and medicine is around $1000-$4000. The cost of the medicine is unfortunately what drives up the cost, as the shots are anywhere from $200 to $800. Plus there is also several appointments for monitoring, multiple ultrasounds, the time off of work/loss of pay and in general just a lot going on. After a while you can see how expensive this can get. Now, while an IUI is cheaper than IVF, it is still not in our budget. We struggle financially, like so many others do, and are doing the very best we can to make ends meet. While we do have insurance, they do not offer any fertility coverage.
We are just hoping that if you are able to donate, even if it’s a small amount, that you would consider it. Every little bit counts and it adds up rather quickly. Just remind yourself that it is going towards making our dreams come true. We are excited to become parents. I’m beyond ready to be a mom and I just cant wait to see him as a dad.
By sharing all this information with you, just know we are going out of our comfort zone to spread our story, as a way to get support from all of you. At this point we are willing to do anything/everything that will help us get there. We betting against the odds that it will pay off.
So please donate if you can and if you can’t then I ask that you kindly share this. We want to get this out to as many people as possible to hopefully make this dream a reality. Also, the gift of parenthood website does grants. That is an opportunity to nominate others into a drawing for a chance at one of the grants to help with all fertility related costs. Now, I would be honored to get that kind of support, however, I know times are tough and do not expect that.
Now, you have heard our story and you found it in your heart to read all this. Please know that we appreciate it and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Just remember it takes a village to bring and raise a child in this would, we just hope you will be part of ours.
Name | Donation | Date |
Nicole Marsh | $100.00 | June 27, 2024 |
Kaylee Risner | $20.00 | June 22, 2024 |
Jalyn Caldwell | $20.00 | June 18, 2024 |

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Tiffany Lee is organizing this fundraiser.