IVF for baby Ramos

Nampa, ID (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

IVF for baby Ramos

by Tiffany Fox

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $24,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $15,767.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$15,767.00 raised of $24,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Nampa, ID (US)

Tiffany Fox is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Dear Family and Friends,
For the past 18 months Chris and I have struggled with infertility challenges. During that time we have both undergone a multitude of tests to be diagnosed with Unexplained Infertility. These past six months we have done 6 rounds of medicated IUIs with no success. We have now decided to embark on the IVF journey with the incredible support of our medical team, family, friends and God. We will begin our IVF protocol toward the end of this month, September 2022. Dealing with infertility has been emotionally and physically draining and IVF is going to be a huge financial challenge for us as insurance does not cover any infertility procedures. Chris and I would humbly like to ask for your support in funding our IVF procedure so that we may try to build a family. Any funds collected here will go towards the cost of medication required for ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval surgery, genetic testing, and embryo transfer.

For those of you who would like to follow our IVF journey, please follow my Instagram page at @tiffanyfox_

For full transparency, the first half of our IVF cost breakdown is below:
Physicians Cost: $13,430.00
Lab Fees: $1,395.00 up to 8
Anesthesia: $550.00
Medication: $8,000.00

It would mean the world to us to have anyone’s help to reach our goal and make our dreams come true of finally being parents to our miracle baby.

With Love,
Tiffany and Chris

  • 11-02-2022

    Update #1

    First off, we are blown away by the generous amount of support we have received since starting this fundraiser. THANK YOU! You all mean the world to us and we are so thankful for your giving hearts.
    We had our first appointment yesterday to go over the financial aspect of treatment and it was an emotional day. The cost is a bit higher than we initially anticipated and getting a loan approval is proving to be difficult. Let’s just say I climbed into bed early and tried to sleep it off. As difficult as this has become, we aren’t losing faith.
    Some happy news, we have our official IVF dates! I start injections on October 14th and our egg retrieval surgery will be on or around October 25th. Woohoo!!
    Thank you for following along, thank you to the other brave women who have gone through this and have reached out in support, and thanks for keeping us in your thoughts!
    More updates to come 🙂

  • 11-02-2022

    Cycle Day 3- Time to get this show on the road!

    Today is cycle day #3 which means I start birth control today! Now you may be thinking “ why is she taking birth control if she’s trying to get pregnant?” Great question !
    Each ovary contains ovarian follicles which each contain one immature egg. In a woman’s typical cycle one of those follicles will mature and release an egg. Taking birth control will help prevent my follicles from maturing this month and releasing an egg.
    Why would the doctor want to do that?
    Well I will be taking birth control for the next two weeks and stop just three days prior to starting the IVF medication that promote follicular growth. This will allow the doctors to be able to time my cycle for IVF as well as be sure that when I start my IVF medication that all of my follicles are the same size. This way, the IVF medications won’t be directed toward maturing 1 single follicle.
    One last reason for birth control prior to IVF medication is to reduce the risk of developing any ovarian cysts. If my baseline ultrasound shows any cysts then our IVF cycle will be postponed until my body has cleared of it. I did have a cyst on my left ovary that hung around for the last two month of our IUI cycles. That cyst was likely due to being on Letrozol for 6 month. My doctor seems pretty confident that this past month of being on no stim medications and these next two weeks of birth control will rid of the cyst. Cross your fingers!

  • 11-02-2022

    We have Embryos!!

    Hey everyone!
    I had egg retrieval surgery on Tuesday, October 25th where they put me under anesthesia and retrieved all of the eggs that the stim injections helped to grow over the two weeks we did all of those fun shots. When I woke from anesthesia I was greeted with the amazing news that they retrieved 25 eggs! The next step was to immediately assess the eggs and separate the mature, full developed eggs, from the non mature eggs and put them in a Petri dish with the sperm to fertilize. The following morning we received the call that 22 of the eggs fertilized over night!
    The resulting zygote were then incubated and observed over the next 4 days for cell division and multiplication. On day 5 we had 11 reach the blastocyst stage. A blastocyst contains two types of cells, those that will develop into fetal tissue and those that will develop into the placenta. We were informed we had several more that were nearing the blastocyst stage and they would give them an additional day to observe their development. Day 6 we received the call that we have 4 additional embryos reach the blastocyst stage.
    15 embryos total!!!
    We opted to send 10 of the 15 off to NextGen for PGT-A chromosomal testing. We should receive those results in the coming week and are so extremely excited to learn the genders of our embryos!

    More exciting news…. We have a transfer date!! Our embryo transfer is scheduled for January 6th. This means I will start round 2 of the IVF process on December 12th with injections to prep my body to successfully support a pregnancy. This is the part of the process we have been the most nervous about so please keep us covered in prayer over these holiday months.
    Thank you for your continued support and for following our journey!

Name Donation Date
Anonymous $10,000.00 December 06, 2022
Matthew Deroque $100.00 December 04, 2022
Bridget Daley $100.00 November 23, 2022
Lindsey Brown $7.00 November 04, 2022
Maddie Martin $50.00 October 19, 2022
Chelsea Liakopoulos $50.00 October 19, 2022
Kate Boden $150.00 October 10, 2022
Lydia Morris $100.00 September 30, 2022
Brant Powner $100.00 September 28, 2022
Eric Fox $1,000.00 September 28, 2022
Ted and Yvette Henderson $100.00 September 25, 2022
Anonymous $100.00 September 25, 2022
Adrianna Lopez $50.00 September 25, 2022
Monica Francis $100.00 September 24, 2022
Jen and Tony Young $100.00 September 24, 2022
Tessa Wall $50.00 September 24, 2022
Alexis Carman $20.00 September 24, 2022
Alberto Tapia $100.00 September 24, 2022
Jenette Rodriguez $20.00 September 23, 2022
Kim Allmon $100.00 September 23, 2022
Daniel Paxton $20.00 September 17, 2022
Anonymous $50.00 September 16, 2022
Katie Navarro $50.00 September 15, 2022
Maggie Paxton $100.00 September 14, 2022
Anonymous $50.00 September 09, 2022
Jeremy Johnson $50.00 September 09, 2022
Robert Butcher $100.00 September 09, 2022
Salvador Menudiado $1,000.00 September 09, 2022
Vanessa and Alex Neiberg $1,000.00 September 09, 2022
Kenneth Allmon $100.00 September 09, 2022
Anonymous $200.00 September 09, 2022
Anonymous $100.00 September 09, 2022
Jonathan Wilcoxson $50.00 September 06, 2022
Dixie Hoyt $50.00 September 03, 2022
Brittany Ward $50.00 September 03, 2022
Monique Proulx-Masters $100.00 September 03, 2022
Anonymous $100.00 September 03, 2022
Megan Richmond $50.00 September 02, 2022
Pamela Martz $50.00 September 02, 2022
Chelsie Loiseau $100.00 September 02, 2022
Anonymous commented with a $10000 donation about 2 years ago
For a deserving couple that will be the greatest parents a child could every ask for.
Bridget Daley commented with a $100 donation about 2 years ago
From Bridget AND Brian
Lindsey Brown commented with a $7 donation about 2 years ago
I’m sorry for such a TINY donation, sending you so much light during this process and if you ever need an ear to cry to during this please do not hesitate to reach out.
Maddie Martin commented with a $50 donation about 2 years ago
Praying and rooting for you guys?
Lydia Morris commented with a $100 donation about 2 years ago
Tiffany and Chris we love you guys! We've been following along on your IVF journey and we are praying and cheering for you all the way. We know it's not easy physically, mentally, emotionally. You guys are amazing. I hope you remember when it gets hard that you have so many friends and family supporting you. And that God is ever aware of you and the sincere desires of your hearts. That miracle baby is going to be here soon. He or she is going to be so lucky to come to you. Love, Ked and Lydia
Anonymous commented with a $100 donation about 2 years ago
We are keeping you both in our prayers!
Adrianna Lopez commented with a $50 donation about 2 years ago
With all our love, all our prayers. Adrianna and Erasmo Lopez
Monica Francis commented with a $100 donation about 2 years ago
Jason and Monica Francis from St. Lucia honeymoon sending prayers on your journey
Jen and Tony Young commented with a $100 donation about 2 years ago
We wish you guys the best! Love you
Kim Allmon commented with a $100 donation about 2 years ago
From the other “Allmons”. We love you both and are hoping for the best and all goes smoothly.
Robert Butcher commented with a $100 donation about 3 years ago
Love you Tiffany and Chris! Praying for you and sending hugs! Bob and Jodi
Kenneth Allmon commented with a $100 donation about 3 years ago
We love you guys. We hope the absolute best for you two in your journey. Ken, Lo, Mattie
Anonymous commented with a $200 donation about 3 years ago
Praying for you two during this journey!
Monique Proulx-Masters commented with a $100 donation about 3 years ago
Love you oodles! Sending all the sticky baby dust your way!
Pamela Martz commented with a $50 donation about 3 years ago
May God bless your journey to parenthood.
Chelsie Loiseau commented with a $100 donation about 3 years ago
Sending all our love and the best vibes for a positive IVF journey. Your baby is waiting for you both! May you feel the magic of science and feel the encouragement being sent from near and afar! You’re so strong! Xo, Chelsie and Rachael Loiseau