IVF For Dream!! She will be a Dream Come True!

West Palm Beach , FL (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

IVF For Dream!! She will be a Dream Come True!

by Pernella Russell

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  • $15,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $15,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
West Palm Beach , FL (US)

Pernella Russell is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Hello, My Name Is Pernella I am a 40 year old that has had not one but two Ectopic pregnancies. The first was when I was a teen in high-school after my son whom was around 2 or three. I was five months with zero symptoms of pregnancy I don’t even know I was pregnant because I still received my period. I just removed passing out one day after coming in from school, I laid on the floor until I turned blue. The EMT took almost 45 minutes to get to me by the time they did I was found Unconscious and my right Fallopian tube had exploded and Ruptured. All I heard was doctors in the waiting room telling my family she’s not going to make it and my mother crying so loud. Thank God for the Doctor that decided to try and Resuscitate me with God present he brought me back to and quickly gave me a blood Transfusion. Me left Devastated from it all I was going to have another Son. He would have been now 23 years old. Ten years past by but the trauma of what I Experienced has Tormented me for years! In 2014 I got married, my husband at the time knew of my history so when I learned that I was pregnant after trying to not forget but learn to cope with the fact I almost died 10 years prior to the current time and loosing my child now I’m pregnant so shocked and excited and Indecisive because I’m consider a risk factor and only carry one Fallopian tube. Just when I thought I had another chance two months into my pregnancy I’m being rushed to the hospital because again the baby is in my Fallopian tubes and all the emotions, hurt , pain and Devastation resurfaced the only difference is I wasn’t as far along as I was the first time which was five months this time I was two months and doctors were able to save me and remove the dead fetus before it got worse. Smh I’ve Exhausted all possibilities as to why God allowed this however I’ve never blame God just accepted it. I learned about IVF from an older cousin I have that went through IVF to have a baby with her husband because she suffers from multiple sclerosis and couldn’t have a baby naturally today she has a beautiful little girl named Zoey. That gave me hope. She raise half of the money for her treatments her parents in law provided the rest when they learned with her and her husband were doing. Me on the other hand I’m simply a 40 year old young lady that has a dream of having one more child a Babygirl because I have my boy, some people dreams are out of this world. I do not want much just the simple gifts in life. I love being a mother , I love children. I haven’t been good at many things in life but raising up my son has been beautiful, fun, a true learning and teaching Experience my accomplishment I’m proud of and I’ll do it all again. I’m scared , nervous with the faith the size of a mustard seed. However I still need help because I cannot afford treatments. I live pay check to paycheck and work a regular 9-5 trying to figure out future plans and goals. I’m thankful for life and rich in the spirit and that keeps me going.