IVF fund for 16 year married couple

Rosamond, CA (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

IVF fund for 16 year married couple

by Maria Martinez

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $35,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $35,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Rosamond, CA (US)

Maria Martinez is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

My husband and I met at the University; we dated for five years, and we been married for 16 years. There are people who think this is a blessing because marriages do not last this long anymore, yet, I feel my family is not complete. We have been dealing with infertility for over a decade. In addition, I have had to deal with my family and friends questioning me about when I will get pregnant. They have no idea the pain I feel when I am asked. Their recurrent questioning makes me feel like I have not met role expectation’s and like my body has failed me. For years, I complained of pelvic pain and heavy menstrual cycles, and I consulted different doctors, my husband also had a lot of testing done, and doctors assured us everything was fine. Last year, my belly started growing to the size of a 4-month pregnant woman, and it became difficult and painful to move my bowels. In addition, I had recurrent urinary tract infections. Finally, I consulted a UCLA OB/GYN MD who ordered an MRI of my pelvis. The MRI showed Intramural fibroids, Submucosal fibroids, and Subserosal fibroids. After years of pelvic pain and my biological clock ticking, I finally had a myomectomy done last year. It has been 9 months now, and despite trying what I can at home, nothing has worked. My only hope now is IVF with possibly egg donation. This is an expensive procedure; my insurance does not cover the cost. My husband and I come from a working-class and have no family support. For most people becoming parents comes easily and naturally, but for some of us is a real challenge. Unfortunately, there is not much support for parents struggling with infertility. Therefore, I ask for your help, no amount is too small. Please, help me make my dream of completing my family, help me have the blessing of having a child, and of one day seeing the reflection of our child’s face in my husband’s eyes with a big smile in his face.