IVF March FamiLy
IVF March FamiLy
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Sandra & Cory March is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
IVF Grant Statement
When you fall in love with someone and the two of you decide that you want to spend your life together, you take a leap of faith knowing there are no guarantees.
We have been married since February 2015 after we’d began to build from our romantic love that took us to the altar into a successful relationship and family life in August 2008. Our wedding vows: “For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others until death do us part” have definitely been tested in just this short time as we’ve endured some inevitable life storms. So much that it feels like our life together thus far, has been a trailor to the movie of our life. We have had glimpses of twists & turns, suspense and climax. We’ve celebrated births, deaths, loss of jobs, fear of the unknown, new soccer teams, travels far and near, holidays, date nights alone & with other couples, hosted dinner parties, attended concerts, tackled home and car repairs, snow storms, my surgery and more. We’ve also volunteered for our church food drives; donated school supplies toys and coats to an adopted family. We believe that all of these treasured memories have made us stronger.
My husband is kind, gentle and emotionally. supportive. We tell one another our hearts feelings even when they’re heartaches. During our premarital counseling with our pastor, he advised us to never go to bed angry and thus far we’ve heeded his advisement. We make one another want to be better, work harder and be our best selves. We communicate openly without raising voices and are very loving towards one another. Our marriage has taught us 1. Life is greater when shared. 2. Life is lived in the small, not the grand moments and 3. Your words and actions affect those around you. We both are reminded daily how lucky we are to have found one another. And we look forward to our continued life together, starting a family. The IVF Journey has been financially hard on us as my husband is a chef and was out of work for 2+ years during the pandemic. The highs and lows after failed FET’s has all but taken an emotional toll. We’ve decided we won’t give up until we have our blessing from God. Your assistance to our family is greatly needed and appreciated. We thank you in advance as this is “Gods Will”.
Name | Donation | Date |
Craig Fullerton | $125.00 | May 09, 2022 |
Tosha Sampson | $50.00 | May 09, 2022 |
Nicole Hughes | $75.00 | May 06, 2022 |
Nicole Ortiz | $100.00 | April 27, 2022 |
Mary Jo McHugh | $150.00 | April 27, 2022 |
Kim Grey | $25.00 | April 22, 2022 |
Shawnda Wilkinson | $100.00 | April 22, 2022 |
Melissa Talaski | $100.00 | April 22, 2022 |
Mayetta We vans | $25.00 | April 21, 2022 |
Clayton Bell | $100.00 | April 21, 2022 |

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Sandra & Cory March is organizing this fundraiser.