IVF Miracle Baby

Canyon City, OR (US)
Created 1 month ago
Embryo Adoption

IVF Miracle Baby

by Amie Moreland

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $15,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $260.00

    Funds Raised
  • 288

    Days to go
$260.00 raised of $15,000.00 Goal
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $ Please input donation amount
Canyon City, OR (US)

Amie Moreland is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Hello everyone, I want to thank you for taking the time to read about our story and for thinking about donating. My husband (Robert) and I (Amie) rarely ask for help.
We have been trying to grow our family for multiple years. The years passed and after countless negative pregnancy tests, we were starting to lose hope. We have seen so many of our friends and loved ones having families. This made us want to grow our family even more. We became more determined than ever to make that happen.
After lots of research, and talking to friends and families, we found having trouble conceiving is more common than people know. We finally felt like we were not alone. While I was talking to a friend I found out that she and her husband were going through IVF and fertility struggles. Thankfully her IVF worked and they now have a beautiful daughter. Their dream was achieved via IVF as well as this donation website. And now hopefully, it is our turn.
One day she and I were talking and she and her husband decided to bless us with adopting one of her embryos. We were and are over the moon. Now we are taking the next step. The adoption alone is costly. Not to mention the actual embryo transfer. So we decided to turn to you and God. We know that this is possible with a little patience and some prayers.
Anything you donate will be a tremendous help and will be very much appreciated. And if you can’t donate, then just having us in your prayers will mean the world to us. Thank you for taking the time to read this. And again, thank you for thinking about donating to our IVF Miracle Baby.

Name Donation Date
Anonymous $25.00 February 28, 2025
Anonymous $20.00 February 08, 2025
Emily Campbell $50.00 February 05, 2025
Sarah Ruggles $20.00 February 03, 2025
Sarah Spurlock $25.00 February 02, 2025
Anonymous $100.00 February 01, 2025
Lacey Mortimore $20.00 January 30, 2025