IVF Transfer

Wichita, KS (US)
Created 1 year ago
Fertility Treatments

IVF Transfer

by Chelsey Hernandez

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $2,350.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $300.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$300.00 raised of $2,350.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Wichita, KS (US)

Chelsey Hernandez is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

My name is Chelsey & I have severe endometriosis. We had our miracle child in 2016 after the doctor said my endo was so severe that we’ll most likely need IVF but we’ll try IUI first because it’s cheaper. We, by the grace of God, got pregnant the first try. The entire office staff was in shock.

I’ve in total, have had two laproscopy surgeries, one uterine septum surgery, 10 or 11 failed IUI’s (they tried so many because the first was a success but he also did a laproscopy surgery in between), two egg retrievals, a miscarriage, & a couple failed medicated cycles. This has been since 2020, trying for #2.

In May 2023 I had my first egg retrieval, out of 15 eggs retrieved only 1 made it to blastocyst. That was successful but ended in an early miscarriage. Since I only had 1 embryo, I was absolutely devastated. We somehow managed to come up with almost $6k for meds for a second retrieval. That was this month. 19 eggs were retrieved & we got the call last night that we got FOUR good quality embryos! We were so happy & relieved.
Now comes another wrench in the story. My husband was laid off from his job, that he had for a decade, great pay, back in May. Permanent plant shutdown. We only have his insurance until November 30th. The clinic told us today the transfer would be December 5th. 5 days! I’m devastated! We can’t afford $2,350 right now. He took a HUGE pay cut since. We’ve exhausted all our resources to get this far. After the thousands we’ve spent, we’re defeated and will be forced to wait until next year if we can’t come up with the funds. This has by far been the hardest year of our 15 years of marriage.

Please, if you can, donate $1, $5, no amount is too small. It would literally mean the world to us! We’re avid volunteers & we’ve never had to reach out for help. We’re always the ones to help. I’ve went on a mission trip to Haiti, I volunteer a food pantry monthly, last Christmas we helped a family move from a motel to a house, first month rent paid, and fridge stocked, I’ve fundraised for numerous charities, was on Relay for Life Cancer Society Committee, I can go on. We give back. I feel mortified asking for help, but this is the only way we’ll be able to do this now.

I’m 34, my husband is 36, & my daughter will be 7 in December. I don’t want to keep waiting. My daughter cries constantly how it’s not fair her cousins and neighbors have baby siblings & not her. It makes it even harder. It would be amazing to be able to tell her she’s finally going to be a big sister on Christmas.

I know that’s a lot to unpack, but that’s our very honest story & I really hope it touches you in someway. We WILL pay it forward when we’re in a better position & recover from all this.

Name Donation Date
December Lanning $10.00 November 02, 2023
Anonymous $50.00 November 01, 2023
Lyndsey Barnett $10.00 November 01, 2023
Anonymous $15.00 November 01, 2023
Anonymous $10.00 November 01, 2023
Anonymous $10.00 October 31, 2023
Anonymous $10.00 October 31, 2023
Stacy Newton $100.00 October 31, 2023
Anett Kis $20.00 October 31, 2023
Anonymous $20.00 October 31, 2023
Madison Farmer $25.00 October 31, 2023
Anonymous $20.00 October 31, 2023
December Lanning commented with a $10 donation about 1 year ago
It truly takes a village!
Lyndsey Barnett commented with a $10 donation about 1 year ago
Hoping there’s a Christmas miracle for y’all and your little girl. 💝 Stay strong, mama.
Anonymous commented with a $10 donation about 1 year ago
I'm sorry I can't donate more.
Anonymous commented with a $10 donation about 1 year ago
Best of luck! ♥️♥️
Stacy Newton commented with a $100 donation about 1 year ago
Will be praying for your family!
Madison Farmer commented with a $25 donation about 1 year ago
We love you guys and wish you luck on this journey!! If this is the only way I can help then I am happy to donate!