IVF treatment

Glendale, CA (US)
Created 11 months ago
Fertility Treatments

IVF treatment

by Ann Tran

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $18,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $18,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Glendale, CA (US)

Ann Tran is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

My name is Ann, me and my husband we been together for 5 years and recently got married.
He have a son from the past with another lady which I’m fine with.
We decide that we wanted another one since he didn’t get to experience baby steps or kids steps due to his ex didn’t let him visit his son as a person he respected the ex wishes.
However we been trying for year to get pregnant. Every time I get my period I always feel like a failure and disappointment about not getting pregnant it’s frustrating and upsetting for me because I feel like a big failure and it’s killing me every time.
Until recently we decide to visit an infertility clinic to see what’s going on with me and what we can do
On our meeting it gave us hope and we decided to go with IUI until I found out I didn’t have so many eggs left at the age of 33.
It broke my heart that day because I was afraid about to not be able to get pregnant at all. Which is my biggest dream more than anything else I want to experience the pregnancy like everyone else and experience the breast feeding or the kid calling me mama.
I remember that day I was crying on the way home because of the news.
So then we did a sperm analysis on my husband and we found out that his sperm count is low as well so the chance to do IUI was out of the list for us. Not even that his work is cutting his hours so financially is not really on our side at the moment.
Doctor suggested that we can do IVF which gave me hope until I found out the cost and every time I think about the cost.
It make me really sad because I don’t know how or what to do to get the amount the doctor ask us.
I mean I don’t wanna take a loan and then later I might not be able to pay it back and not to start with the interest.
I really hope someone out there can help me to have my dream come true.
I want to have the same chance like every o women to have a little one with my husband.
I don’t ask for many I just ask for one little one

When I’m sitting and writing this and thinking about this make me wanna break down in tears and I feel paralyzed because I don’t know what to do or anything to get the amount I need to have my dreams comes true.

I hope someone reading this and wants to help me to make my dream come true before it’s too late.