Ivf Treatment in Sarasota,FL
Ivf Treatment in Sarasota,FL
Fundraiser Goal -
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Days to go

Alma Campbell is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Our story is like many others who are struggling to become parents. I met my now husband Christopher Campbell in February 2008 and have been inseparable ever since. In December 2011, I notice I was feeling different and had left sided pain. I decided to take a home pregnancy test and it came up positive. I soon after scheduled an appointment with my doctor. The ultrasound was the first thing I did at the appointment and it showed a baby that was growing which was my left fallopian tube. I was greatly saddened and that’s when life became dark and things and certain environments became triggering for me and my partner. We really leaned on each other until this day for support. Since then, over the past 10 years I’ve used Clomid on two different cycles and Letrozole on one occasion with no success. I even had Laser Laparoscopy surgery with ovarian drilling and chromotubation February 2013. That surgery went well and showed my right tube opened but no pregnancy resulted. I had 2 HSG’s in 2012 and 2019. They both showed my right tube to have no spill of dye. We got married June 4, 2019. Fast forward a little bit to the pandemic in 2020. My husband suddenly lost his mother in July 2020 to sarcoidosis and tested positive to Covid 19. Two weeks later he lost his father due to complication from a stroke. We were shaken to the core. Later that year, we inherited his mothers house and moved in and in December 2020 I was experiencing right sided pain similar to what I experienced before. I took a home pregnancy test and it was positive. But I knew something didn’t feel right like before 9 years ago. I went to the doctor and and no pregnancy was seen by ultrasound but I had a very faint positive pregnancy test. They wanted to do surgery the same day because they thought it was ectopic due to my symptoms and history but there was no visual. I knew I needed a second opinion. I prayed for God’s guidance. The next morning I went and got another opinion, they did an ultrasound and blood test and made them aware of my history. Their diagnosis for me was a missed miscarriage. In the next days, I monitored my symptoms and was saddened to go through such losses in 2020. Present day being 39 and my husband 38, we are beyond ready to grow our family and I pray I don’t miss the opportunity to be blessed with giving birth to our children. When we Conquer this journey I can’t wait to inspire and encourage others that they can do it too!!
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Alma Campbell is organizing this fundraiser.