James and Megan’s IVF Journey

Joplin, MO (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

James and Megan’s IVF Journey

by Megan Pace

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $10,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $2,525.00

    Funds Raised
  • 295

    Days to go
$2,525.00 raised of $10,000.00 Goal
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $ Please input donation amount
Joplin, MO (US)

Megan Pace is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

We are James and Megan Pace, recently married (September 2021), but have been together for almost 7 years. Two years ago, we started to actively TTC but quickly decided to talk with my doctor due to my age. I knew that I was already struggling with PCOS symptoms but wasn’t sure if that could be a cause of the inability to conceive.

After failed attempts using Clomid several times, we were referred to a clinic in Kansas City. We had our initial visit and pre-screening and it was recommended that traditional IVF was our only option to potentially conceive. Unfortunately that came with a hefty price tag and several doctors visits, so we decided to hold off and prioritize our wedding planning and home building.

Now fast forward to 2022. As we’ve started this journey, I’ve been involved in a local support group that women have all faced some kind of infertility. It has been nice to connect with others who were feeling the same emotions that I have been. After hearing a few positive stories regarding a clinic in Texas, we decided to inquire and see if C.A.R.E. Fertility in Bedford, Texas had any options for us. We had our initial visit with Dr. Kevin Doody through zoom and have completed our pre-screening exams. Just a week ago, I had my post op consultation as I had to have an H-Scope to remove an uterine polyp. The results were good and the polyp that was removed was benign.

We are now ready to go, which now becomes a waiting game. In the life of IVF treatment everything is about timing and unfortunately having PCOS means that the timing isn’t so predictable. We have chosen to attempt the Effortless IVF treatment as this is a streamline process that should result in fewer visits to Texas compared to traditional IVF. The cost of the treament is also substantly better when compared to traditional IVF and CARE Fertility is one of the few clinics that offers this kind of treatment.

Even though I work for an amazing company that offers amazing benefits, unfortunately, IVF treatment is not a covered benefit. We are left to pay for the treatment and the medications out of pocket. We hope that our friends and family will support us with a donation to help offset the out of pocket costs.

We are excited and nervous at the same time. We hope to begin building our family and are hopeful that we have the right support to help get us to that point. Thank you for reading this and thank you for supporting us during this journey through infertility.

  • 06-22-2022

    Treatments to begin

    Thank you to everyone who has donated, we are truly blessed by the love and support for us and our journey. This Friday I have an appointment for a baseline sonogram that will confirm that we can begin the medications. Medications should be arriving today so hopefully everything is falling in place. We will then return back to Dallas on July 4th for another sonogram which will help us determine when we come back for egg retrieval day. This will be a very fast moving process. The only part that I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'m not necessarily looking forward to, is the injections and that I will have to take them while I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'m traveling. I hope to take good notes and prepare myself for that process. We will continue to keep you updated as progress moves forward.

  • 07-10-2022

    Egg Retrieval

    I had my egg retrieval on 7/7 and they were able to retrieve 8 eights. We\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'ve have a slight hurdle to overcome as these eggs are attempting to fertilize. We decided to move forward and load the device and my body is serving as the incubator for 5 days. We go back on this coming Tuesday, 7/12, to remove the device and to see if we have any fertilized eggs. Please keep us in your prayers during this time.

  • 07-13-2022

    Removal of Invocell

    On 7/12 we traveled back down to Texas to have the device removed and to see if the 8 eggs fertilized. For 5 days, my body served as an incubator for the device that was loaded with the eggs and sperm, just like the traditional Petri dish. I didn\\\\\\\\'t ever really feel anything except just bloating which I think was just a side effect for the injections that I was taking. Dr. Kevin compared the removal to opening of christmas presents which really did feel that way. We had no way of knowing what was going on for those 5 days. After about 30 min. of waiting for the lab to take pictures, we were greeted with bad news. Unfortunately none of the eggs were fertilized and so we are unable to continue with this current cycle. We originally set an appointment for a consultation for August 8th due to availability, but I got a call today with an appointment for this Friday. Hopefully Dr. Kevin can help us come up with a new plan during this call.

  • 06-12-2024

    Round 2!

    Hi everyone! I apologize that we never posted an update since July of 2022 when we had a failed IVF cycle. We felt a little defeated and just needed to take a break from the constant monitoring and the drives back and forth to Texas. So now here we are basically 2 years later and so much to catch up on.

    After our last failed attempt, we gave ourselves some time to re-evaluate and ensure that our bodies were in good health. Well, unfortunately June of 2023 I started having several Thyroid issues which led to multiple tests and doctor visits. This luckily was all able to be diagnosed and treated close to home but that meant that we couldn\\\\'t proceed with another IVF cycle until I could figure out what was going on with my Thyroid.

    I was having symptoms of a sore throat, having difficulty swallowing, and the front of my neck was tender to touch around the area of my thyroid. I had multiple tests ranging from blood work to even a iodine scan which resulted in me being diagnosed with Graves\\\\' disease. Working with the local endocrinologist, I was opting to have my thyroid removed in December of 2023. I did express to him that most of my symptoms were minimal by late August but he was certain that it was Graves\\\\' Disease. Before that surgery, I had one more visit with my doctor who decided to go ahead and do another blood work of my thyroid levels and the next day of that testing, the doctor\\\\'s office called and said that my levels were normal and that I should cancel that surgery. With so many questions, I quickly cancelled that surgery and the doctor updated my records saying that the diagnosis was in fact Thyroiditis. I had get blood work every 8 weeks to ensure that levels were still normal. By March/April my levels were still normal, so we reached back out to the clinic in Texas.

    We schedule the initial consultation with Dr. Kevin Doody and he reviewed my medical records since the last time we were there. We discussed the effortless option again but this time, he started discussing the convention IVF option, mainly due to my age. We booked an appointment to drive down to Texas for the initial tests on May 28th.

    We had our follow up appointment just this past Monday and results from our tests were all good. The Dr. was impressed with my AMH levels, although they were good, he is still concerned about the quality of eggs that my body could produce due to my age.

    So now we have two options that we must consider in proceeding round two of this IVF journey.

    We could attempt another Effortless cycle as he felt numbers were good, but that also comes with some negatives.
    – No ability to predict if we will have a successful cycle if either of us has an infection during this timing of the cycle.
    – No ability to test the embryos for the quality of the eggs

    We could opt for traditional IVF which would allow us a few more testing abilities which could increase the percentage of success. But it also comes at a price. The cost of traditional IVF is almost double due to the increased monitoring of the medications that I have to take and the storage of eggs and sperm during this cycle.

    Ultimately we just want to have a successful and healthy pregnancy and baby so we are weighing the pros/cons of each process. We trust Dr. Kevin and his expertise throughout this entire process, even though we have to make the long drive to Texas. We kind of treat each visit as a mini vacation.

    Hopefully within the next few weeks will begin to finalize or decision and beginning to plan and implementing the process within the next few months.

    I appreciate each and everyone of you who have supported us throughout this entire process. We are holding out hope and keep doing everything we can, to build a family that we both have wanted for so long.

  • 11-27-2024

    Round 2 to begin!

    The time has finally come. After months of getting everything in order and getting work schedules to calm down, we finally had our baseline appointments. We have opted for traditional IVF this round which comes with constant monitoring for almost 3 weeks where I will need to be present for twice a week appointments for blood work and sonograms. Thankfully we have friends in Texas that are graciously opening there home to me so that I can stay down there, work throughout the week, and attend my appointments.

    Our appointments yesterday went really well, so I will begin injections Saturday with a prescribed regimen that my doctor has given me and then will go to my next follow up appointment on Tuesday. I will do this process for the next few weeks in which it will result in the egg retrieval around the week of December 8th. Once the retrieval has been completed, they will begin all of the testing which will take roughly 4 weeks.

    We chose this option due to my age and wanting to ensure that we had the highest possible success rate. There is still a lot of unknowns and we understand that this could still result an unsuccessful pregnancy, but we are staying positive and taking multiple steps to ensure our best chances.

    I appreciate everyone following along with this journey and praying for us. I hope to provide more updates as this cycle progresses.

  • 12-16-2024

    Egg Retrieval Complete

    After almost 2 weeks of injections, I was scheduled for my egg retrieval on Friday December 13th. Appointment was set for 9:30 am with an 8 am check in. James and I got there with plenty of time to walk in and they quickly took me to the surgery prepping area. I decided this time to have fun with my choice of socks and found some cute IVF socks that everyone got a kick out of. They prepped me with the IV and started to prep me with the anesthesia meds to prep for my nice little nap. Before they walked me into the surgery room, I asked if I could see James as they normally bring him back shortly after I got dressed in my gown but come to find out they wanted a fresh sample even though we had opted for a frozen sample, so we think that the nurse had went out to get him but he wasn\'t in the waiting room and then she got busy prepping another patient. They were able to bring him back for a quick snap of pictures and a kiss of good luck.

    Once I got in the surgery room, I basically fell asleep quickly as I don\'t remember much after I laid down to when they woke me up in recovery. James and I decided to grab some breakfast and for some reason I was craving biscuits and gravy, Then we headed back to my friend\'s home to rest and I basically slept the rest of the day.

    We did receive an initial call with how many eggs were retrieved and we learned that they were able to retrieve 15! This was already a better result then Cycle #1. 14 were actually viable so they were going to begin the fertilization portion and then would follow up with us on Saturday for an update.

    Saturday\'s Update: Out of the 14, 12 were mature enough to move forward and 9 resulted in a full fertilization, 2 resulted in a partial fertilization, and one resulted in no fertilization. They would continue to monitor and then provide another update on Wednesday in which that will begin the process of PGT biospy.

    So this is what we know for now and we are continuing to remain hopeful. I will continue to provide updates as we are so grateful for those who have supported us and are following our journey.

  • 12-22-2024


    This past Wednesday and Thursday we got updates from the lab of how many fertilized eggs were available to complete the biopsy and begin the PGT-A testing. From a total of 12 fertilized eggs, 7 of them grew enough to be graded as a 5 on a scale of 1-6. They also had excellent or good ratings in two categories that provide general guidance on quality. They were pleased with how many we were able to freeze from this retrieval. So for now, we wait until we get our results from the PGT-A testing which we have a zoom call scheduled for Jan. 7th.

    You may be wondering what are the next steps:
    After we get the results and as long as 1 of these embryos provides a high quality rating from the testing, I will begin prepping for transfer which will take about 3 weeks of medication/injections to prepare my body to hopefully provide the best possible outcome, a successful pregnancy. There are still so many unknowns, but we are celebrating the small wins each step of the way. If this 1st transfer is successful, I could be pregnant by February 2025.

Name Donation Date
Scott Stevens $50.00 June 13, 2024
Jenny Tyler $100.00 June 13, 2024
Jared Worley $1,000.00 July 17, 2022
Anonymous $75.00 July 16, 2022
Anonymous $100.00 July 13, 2022
Jennifer Brothers $150.00 July 12, 2022
Eileen Kastura $500.00 July 10, 2022
Vedita Myers $100.00 July 10, 2022
Eileen Kastura $150.00 June 14, 2022
Timothy Stevens $50.00 June 13, 2022
Jenny Tyler $50.00 June 12, 2022
Summer Johnson $50.00 June 12, 2022
Lisa Donna $25.00 June 12, 2022
Gail McGrath $25.00 June 11, 2022
Hayley Strickling $100.00 June 11, 2022
Jared Worley commented with a $1000 donation about 3 years ago
We love you guys!!!! I hope this helps in any way possible.
Jennifer Brothers commented with a $150 donation about 3 years ago
I’m so excited for you two and definitely sending all the good and positive vibes your way during this. Keeping you all in my prayers as well!
Vedita Myers commented with a $100 donation about 3 years ago
You guys will be amazing parents soon. Any child would be ecstatic to have you both as parents.
Jenny Tyler commented with a $50 donation about 3 years ago
You guys got this. You will be excellent parents and we look forward to being on the journey with you. We love you
Hayley Strickling commented with a $100 donation about 3 years ago
I love and support you girl!! You are an Amazing person!! ❤️❤️