Jenna and Casey’s surrogacy fund

Adrian, MI (US)
Created 2 years ago

Jenna and Casey’s surrogacy fund

by Jenna Kapela

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $50,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 295

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $50,000.00 Goal
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $ Please input donation amount
Adrian, MI (US)

Jenna Kapela is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Hi, my name is Jenna. My fiancé, Casey and I are fundraising to help pay for our journey in finding a surrogate to start our family. Casey and I are both full time firefighters for Toledo Fire and Rescue Department and City of Jackson Fire Department working 24 hour shifts, as well as coaching at our local CrossFit gym on the side. We work hard to make this process possible, but we still need your help!

In 2021, I made the extremely difficult decision to have a hysterectomy due to a rare congenital uterine anomaly diagnosis. Prior to my hysterectomy, I dealt with pelvic pain that would come and go for over a year, and never
got a diagnosis due to the inconsistency of pain. I was frustrated with not getting answers until the pain became so severe I ended up being admitted to the hospital. After multiple emergency surgeries, pain management, a night being intubated in the ICU, additional procedures and appointments, it was time to make my decision. I was told there was no chance for a normal pregnancy due to the abnormal shape of my uterus. With this said, I would continue to have severe infections and extreme pain in the future and the only way to prevent this was to have my uterus removed. Everyday, Casey and I both deal with the emotional consequences this means as future parents. Financially, our dream of having our own children will be extremely difficult considering the cost of surrogacy, though there is no chance we would give up on our dream to have a child of our own.

With your help, we will put the funds from this fundraiser toward the expenses needed in this beautiful process of growing our family, through the gift of a surrogate; making our dream possible of becoming parents.

Did you know?
-Most insurance companies cover little to no expenses for infertility purposes including IVF and surrogates.
-Intended parents cover all fees for both themselves and the carrier including: medications, appointments, procedures, agency fees, legal contracts, compensation fees, as well as any additional costs along the way.
-Through this thorough process, total costs can range from $100,000 up to even $200,000!

We ask for any donation toward our goal to help ease us into this journey. Any amount helps and we are extremely thankful for your support. Please share our story to your friends and family to help spread the word. We thank you in advance!