Jermi and kayly’s IVF journey

Omaha, NE (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Jermi and kayly’s IVF journey

by Kayly Stednitz

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $15,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $15,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Omaha, NE (US)

Kayly Stednitz is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Hi my name is Kayly, I met my fiancé Jermi in high school History class. I sat behind him. He was the smart kid and I needed someone to copy off of, haha. We ended up building a friendship that grew into a relationship. We have been together 6 years and engaged the better part of 3. Taking the next step in our lives and starting a family was the next logical step and one I desperately wanted to take, although it has not been without its hardships. After trying to conceive naturally for 3 years with no positive tests we felt let down and broken. We have tried everything from “not preventing”, “trying” and “ovulation kits”. About a year and a half ago I blamed my mom for my lack of being able to get pregnant because in high school she made me take the birth control pill and although I have been off them for years I wasn’t getting pregnant. I had read the pill could cause pregnancy issues and that was the only explanation I could come up with. She told me there had to be another reason and I needed to get checked out. This journey has definitely not been fun. There has been blood work and procedures all with promising results and no reason why I shouldn’t be getting pregnant. Thankfully there were no medical issues the doctors could find with me, we were one step closer to our answers. After all my testing was done it was my fiancé Jermi’s turn. The first time he went in for a sperm test it was determined that the sperm donation given contained abnormal shaped sperm and they didn’t get enough to make a determination as to what was going on. He was asked to return to give a second sample and this time the facility lost the sample he provided. When we returned to the Urologist that had referred us they sent us to another sperm donation center that was more reputable, but that was 6 times more expensive. It was important to us to determine why we weren’t getting pregnant so we saved and Jermi went to the new clinic. This clinic ran the tests needed and we found out that Jermi produced 600,000 viable sperm per mL of sperm while the average man produces over 2 million. When we returned to the Urologist he informed us that this was a really low sperm count and that we would have to go through IVF if we wanted to have a biological family. This was exciting and heart breaking all at the same time, we were happy to know that we could have children together but hurt that we could not make it happen naturally. Month after month our lives are filled with defeat and yet somehow through it all we remain hopeful. We believe we were meant to be parents and we know this will all be worth it. We are beyond ready to start this process, but since our insurance does not cover the cost of infertility, finances are holding us back. Although the outcome is uncertain and the journey may be difficult, we are inviting our friends, family, anyone who has been through these same struggles, and those who feel led to support us to be part of our “Baby Journey.” The cost for IVF is $15,000, your donations will go towards helping us pay all the medical bills that come along as we go through this process. No donation is too small and we appreciate anything you can donate to help us achieve our goal of having a family of our own. I hope that we can reach our goal soon. Our plan is to keep everyone updated throughout the entire process. We thank you with all our hearts for reading our story and helping us to grow our family!