Supporting Jo & Arie’s IVF JOURNEY
Supporting Jo & Arie’s IVF JOURNEY
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Jordan & Ariel Campbell is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Hey Family & Friends!
Thanks so much for taking the time to watch /read our story. We really hope that this helps those that are facing or going through the same challenge(s). We know that people/couples may have the same story but everyones story is still uniquely different. While we’re believing God for us, we’re believing God for you!
Don’t stop trying. Keep praying , Keep hoping , Keep Believing , and Keep the faith. It’s gonna happen for you!
Dealing with what they call “a frozen pelvis “ has not been easy . It has made it a bit challenging to conceive. Many have asked how they could help support. We created this special fundraiser for our future family. We thank you in advance for how ever much you’ve contributed.
We hope that you all will walk through this IVF Journey with us. Again, thank you!

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Jordan & Ariel Campbell is organizing this fundraiser.