June and Cody’s Miracle rainbow baby IVF Journey

, (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

June and Cody’s Miracle rainbow baby IVF Journey

by June Walton

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $15,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $15,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
, (US)

June Walton is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Hello our names are June and Cody it has been forever our dream to have babies of our own and we’ve always wanted to have twins. I was told at a very young age that I would never be able to have children and it’s been all I ever wanted but due to having a lot of female issues we have been unsuccessful, but finally got pregnant A year ago and then unfortunately miscarried at three months along it was so bad that I almost lost my life from all the blood loss and clotting and complications it’s a miracle I’m here but unfortunately our little baby is not and once you we were given the OK to try again we did many many times for a long time with no prevail just as previous years. Doctors have told us the only way they may be able to help is IVF and due to my age and after doing some testing to see follicle count and finding out that my numbers are critically and extremely low and that I don’t have very many eggs left and they are concerned About the quality of the eggs as well they said time is of the essence and we need to move fast and that IVF would be the only way to help us. We thank everyone for taking the time to read our little story and considering giving donations and giving us the gift of trying to achieve our dreams of being parents ❤️