Katelin & Jim’s Journey to becoming Parents

Ofallon, MO (US)
Created 2 months ago

Katelin & Jim’s Journey to becoming Parents

by Katelin DuBois

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $45,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 173

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $45,000.00 Goal
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Ofallon, MO (US)

Katelin DuBois is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Hello! My name is Katelin. My husband Jim and I have been going through infertility since 2020. We started out using letrozole and using ovulation predictor tests. We did 9 rounds within a year and all we got was negative pregnancy tests. We took about 9 months from not trying but still trying and nothing happened. My sister got married and pregnant in 2022 and that triggered me to figure out what was going on. I went to a obgyn clinic that “specializes” infertility. There I was officially diagnosed with PCOS and blocked tubes. When they did an HSG test to determine my tubes were blocked they temporarily unblocked one side of my fallopian tubes. I did one IUI and that IUI I ended up having an early chemical miscarriage. After that failed IUI I had surgery to unblock both of the fallopian tubes and do a laparoscopic surgery to see if I had endometriosis. They didn’t find endometriosis but found that both tubes were blocked. They unblocked both tubes and I did three more IUI’s all of them failed. Not even a positive pregnancy test. After that I decided to research IVF. After a lot of research and talking to others who went through CNU fertility. I decided to give them a try. In November 2022 I had my consultation and was preparing for my retrieval in January 2023. In February 2023 we went to Colorado Springs, CO and did a IVf retrieval and a fresh transfer. From the retrieval we got 4 embryos that made it to day 3 and we transferred one in and froze the other three. This transfer failed with not even a positive pregnancy test. We did some further testing I was given the green light and we did another transfer in June 2023. We transferred 2 of our day 3 embryos. This transfer was also a failure with not even testing positive on a pregnancy test. We decided after the two failed transfers with CNY to try a different clinic and doctor. We decided to go with OMA Fertility in StL, Mo. There we did our second retrieval. I got severe Ovarian Hyperstimulation (OHSS) from that retrieval we got 5 Blasts embryos. We transferred 1 embryo in November 2023. This transferred didn’t work also. We decided to assume and treat as if I had endometriosis for two months I took
Lupron depot shot. We did another transfer in April 2024. This one I got an early chemical. After that I decided to switch to a different clinic I went to Fertility Partnership. We had to do another retrieval since I was down to 2 more embryos. This retrieval we got 10 genetically normal embryos. We did a transfer with them on August 2024. This transferred failed as well. We did another transfer transferring 2 embryos and this last transferred failed as well. We’re going to try one more transfer but we’re looking into surrogacy as this is becoming a better option for us.

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