Lisa and Rich’s Fertility Journey

Los Angeles, CA (US)
Created 1 year ago
Fertility Treatments

Lisa and Rich’s Fertility Journey

by Lisa Prugh

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $10,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $5,820.00

    Funds Raised
  • 64

    Days to go
$5,820.00 raised of $10,000.00 Goal
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $ Please input donation amount
Los Angeles, CA (US)

Lisa Prugh is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

Hi! My name is Lisa and my husband’s name is Rich, and we would love to share our story with you.

Rich and I have been trying to concieve for over three years now. Our journey so far has included all of the standard diagnostic fertility tests: ultrasounds, bloodwork, an HSG to make sure my tubes are open, and sperm analysis. We’ve also been doing fertility acupuncture for over a year, and recently we tried two rounds of IUI (intrauterine insemination) combined with fertility medications & ultrasound monitoring. Despite all of these treatments, we have never gotten a positive pregnancy test.

Our official diagnosis is unexplained infertility, which basically means that our chances of concieving on our own are roughly 3% per cycle (for a couple with normal fertility, it’s around 20%). IUI combined with fertility medications only gets our chances up to around 10% per cycle. Considering we’ve had two failed rounds of IUI and we now suspect I may have endometriosis, we’ve been advised by our doctor to move on to IVF (in-vitro fertilization), which would get our odds up to roughly 65% per cycle.

Fertility treatments are very costly, and since both of us are self-employed freelancers, we don’t have the kind of insurance that covers it. Our out-of pocket expenses to date have already exceeded $10,000. The national average cost of a single round of IVF with medications is $28,000, and if we end up needing multiple egg retrievals or embryo transfers, that number could go even higher.

While looking into ways to make IVF affordable for us, we came across a clinic on the east coast called CNY Fertility that offers IVF for roughly 1/3 the cost of the national average. We’ve calculated that a single round of IVF with them will cost us around $10K, so even when you factor in travel costs, it’s still a substantially lower price than what we would pay here in LA. As you can imagine, CNY Fertility is in very high demand, so the earliest consultation appointment we could get with them is July.

In the meantime, we are doing everything we can to set ourselves up financially to make this happen. We’re saving up as much as we can and we’re applying for grants wherever we can find them. We are also reaching out to our friends and family for support.

We have been dreaming of welcoming our little bundle of joy into our lives for many years. I myself have been working as a nanny for nearly 20 years, and as much as I have loved caring for other people’s children, I very much want to love and nurture a child of my own. Rich and I have both wanted this our whole lives. Anything you can give to help make our dream a reality would be greatly appreciated.

  • 08-02-2023

    We are officially getting started with CNY Fertility!

    Hi Everyone!

    We have an exciting update for you all! We’ve officially paid for our first round of IVF with CNY Fertility (one of the most affordable fertility clinics in the United States), and thanks to all of your generous donations, we were able to take advantage of a pay-in-full discount AND a treatment & medication bundle to keep our overall costs even lower! We might not have been able to do this if it weren’t for the incredibly robust response we received from our first round of fundraising, so from the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU!!!

    Our medications arrived today, which means we should be able to start ovarian stimulation with my next cycle. If all goes well, we’ll be flying out to Syracuse, NY in mid-August to do an egg retrieval!

    The treatment & medication bundle we purchased with CNY Fertility was a little less than $6,000. (For context, the national average for the same treatments would be around $16,000).

    There are, however, going to be some additional expenses that are not included in the bundle we’ve purchased. These include local ultrasound monitoring here in Los Angeles during my stimulation cycle, frozen embryo storage, pre-implantation genetic testing on our embryos, frozen embryo transfer, and travel expenses.

    To prepare for our next round of fertility costs, we’re applying for grants wherever we can find them, and we’ve also increased our campaign goal so we can do another round of fundraising. If you are able to share this page on social media to help spread the word, that would be amazing! If you want to chip in a little more, that’s even more amazing! Either way we are so incredibly grateful for all the support we’ve already received. Every little bit brings us one step closer to our miracle baby. ❤️

Name Donation Date
Faizah Griggs $20.00 August 17, 2023
Adam Dornbusch $50.00 August 15, 2023
Gul Ay $50.00 August 15, 2023
Tanya Levin $50.00 August 10, 2023
Stephanie Mitchell $50.00 August 10, 2023
Brett Bates $50.00 August 07, 2023
Chris Hennes $50.00 August 03, 2023
Rebecca Mitchell $25.00 August 03, 2023
Jason Hecht $200.00 August 03, 2023
Andrew Kelly $175.00 August 03, 2023
Kristen Prugh $50.00 August 03, 2023
Fyza Griggs $50.00 August 02, 2023
Trina Renee $100.00 June 05, 2023
Shannon McLemore $50.00 June 05, 2023
Julia Newman $100.00 June 05, 2023
Katie Hazzard $50.00 June 05, 2023
Mischa Pollack $100.00 June 05, 2023
Lisa Gonzales $50.00 June 04, 2023
CHRYSTAL dake $124.00 June 04, 2023
Anonymous $30.00 June 04, 2023
Jason Sinclair $100.00 June 04, 2023
Daniel Hagerty $100.00 June 04, 2023
Sammie Howell $50.00 June 04, 2023
Amanda Wilkins $50.00 June 04, 2023
Mrs. Jacobson $40.00 June 04, 2023
Carla Sauer $30.00 June 04, 2023
janice partyka $100.00 June 04, 2023
Charlotte McColl $50.00 June 03, 2023
Brett Bates $200.00 June 03, 2023
Chris Paine $500.00 June 02, 2023
Michael King $100.00 June 02, 2023
Michael Fox $100.00 June 02, 2023
Anonymous $200.00 June 02, 2023
Jacob Prugh $200.00 June 02, 2023
Eric Green $50.00 June 02, 2023
Scout Sparrow $25.00 June 02, 2023
Jon Fox $11.00 June 02, 2023
Kate Black $30.00 June 02, 2023
Daniel Skinner $10.00 June 02, 2023
Adam David $20.00 June 02, 2023
Erica Lustig $20.00 June 02, 2023
Reek Havok $100.00 June 02, 2023
Ryan Walsh $20.00 June 02, 2023
Erin McConnell $20.00 June 02, 2023
Anonymous $100.00 June 02, 2023
Hannah O’Bannion $100.00 June 02, 2023
David Knudsen $50.00 June 02, 2023
Tim Harrison $100.00 June 01, 2023
Dolly Wyatt $50.00 June 01, 2023
Allen Arthur $35.00 June 01, 2023
Pamela Lane $20.00 June 01, 2023
Amy Emens $300.00 June 01, 2023
Christine Vicente $50.00 June 01, 2023
Dan Hsu $20.00 June 01, 2023
Anonymous $25.00 June 01, 2023
David C Ryder $100.00 June 01, 2023
KatieGarrett Schweighauser $100.00 June 01, 2023
Derek oziel $50.00 June 01, 2023
Tim Davis-Reed $50.00 June 01, 2023
Cinthya Kats $100.00 June 01, 2023
Kyle Hollingsworth $100.00 June 01, 2023
Anonymous $50.00 June 01, 2023
Anonymous $20.00 June 01, 2023
Anna Cometa $25.00 June 01, 2023
Linda Gray $100.00 May 31, 2023
Gayle M. McCabe $100.00 May 31, 2023
Faizah Griggs $100.00 May 31, 2023
Heather Eagle $50.00 May 31, 2023
Orchid Cameron $20.00 May 31, 2023
Steven Schwadron $50.00 May 31, 2023
Amanda Coolong $50.00 May 31, 2023
Charlene Langland $50.00 May 31, 2023
Richard Kearney $25.00 May 31, 2023
Chris Rummel $100.00 May 31, 2023
Jacques Freydont $100.00 May 31, 2023
Jon Fox $50.00 May 31, 2023
Courtney Silbiger $30.00 May 31, 2023
Gul Ay commented with a $50 donation about 12 months ago
Wishing you luck, and fun ❤️ 🙏🙏🙏
Tanya Levin commented with a $50 donation about 12 months ago
Love you two so much and can just imagine how awesome a little Richisa will be!
Stephanie Mitchell commented with a $50 donation about 12 months ago
We were so glad to see you'd opened this up again, since we missed the first round and do want to help! You've got this. We're cheering you on so hard.
Rebecca Mitchell commented with a $25 donation about 12 months ago
Wishing you a healthy amazing baby!
Andrew Kelly commented with a $175 donation about 12 months ago
Bebe let’s gooooo
Kristen Prugh commented with a $50 donation about 12 months ago
Go Team Proombs!
Shannon McLemore commented with a $50 donation about 1 year ago
I’m so sorry to hear that you both are having to go through all of this. It isn’t fun. I just completed my second round of IVF this past October. Unfortunately my two attempts were unsuccessful, and we couldn’t afford to try again. But that was me and what my aging body is going through. I have so much faith that you two will be successful! I’m happy you found a less expensive clinic in NYC. For what it’s worth, Dr. Mor in Encino is amazing! His treatments are definitely the full cost option, but he’s a fabulous doctor. Best of luck and all the blessings to the two of you!!!!!
Mischa Pollack commented with a $100 donation about 1 year ago
CHRYSTAL dake commented with a $124 donation about 1 year ago
Good luck you two!!
Amanda Wilkins commented with a $50 donation about 1 year ago
Wishing you all the best of luck♥️
Charlotte McColl commented with a $50 donation about 1 year ago
I see a beautiful baby in your future!
Chris Paine commented with a $500 donation about 1 year ago
We love you both and appreciate all that you’ve already put into this journey. We know how long and winding or suddenly short and sweet this pathway can be. We are rooting for you every step of the way.
Anonymous commented with a $200 donation about 1 year ago
wishing you the best.... from Dave & Ann
Erica Lustig commented with a $20 donation about 1 year ago
Wishing you all the best! Lucky kiddo.
Reek Havok commented with a $100 donation about 1 year ago
XOXOXOXO I hope this helps get you both the tiny gift you both deserve!
Ryan Walsh commented with a $20 donation about 1 year ago
Wishing you both lots of luck! You two are fantastic friends, and I’m glad to help you, if only a little when I can!
Erin McConnell commented with a $20 donation about 1 year ago
Wishing you both all the best!
David Knudsen commented with a $50 donation about 1 year ago
I’ll be happy to purchase a share of your baby stock at this IPO! Looking forward to how it appreciates. But don’t worry, I’m a long-term holder!
Pamela Lane commented with a $20 donation about 1 year ago
Go forth and multiply!
Amy Emens commented with a $300 donation about 1 year ago
Good luck. ❤️
Christine Vicente commented with a $50 donation about 1 year ago
Much love and best wishes for your happiness and success on your journey towards parenthood!
KatieGarrett Schweighauser commented with a $100 donation about 1 year ago
You both deserve the best! Love you guys!
Cinthya Kats commented with a $100 donation about 1 year ago
Love you guys so much! We are here to support you every step of the way. You are wonderful human beings and your little bundle of joy will be so lucky to have you both as parents! Much love, Nova + Paul + Cin
Kyle Hollingsworth commented with a $100 donation about 1 year ago
Love you both!!! Holding you in love as you navigate this powerful journey.
Anonymous commented with a $50 donation about 1 year ago
You are amazing and awesome!!! Sending all the good vibes your way :)
Anonymous commented with a $20 donation about 1 year ago
Sending much love and support. I was the product of many fertility treatments, there is great hope for the future <3
Linda Gray commented with a $100 donation about 1 year ago
Love you both! B&R
Gayle M. McCabe commented with a $100 donation about 1 year ago
You two will be wonderful parents! You're welcome to stay with us in CNY, if it's convenient for you. Matt &Gayle McCabe
Faizah Griggs commented with a $100 donation about 1 year ago
Love you both!
Orchid Cameron commented with a $20 donation about 1 year ago
I’m happy to do reiki on you, if you like good vibes day of implantation. But cool either way. Best of luck! Science is magic.
Courtney Silbiger commented with a $30 donation about 1 year ago
Love u guys so much!