Making Baby Muhammad

Stone Mountain, GA (US)
Created 1 year ago
Fertility Treatments

Making Baby Muhammad

by Aisha Muhammad

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Stone Mountain, GA (US)

Aisha Muhammad is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

Peace! My name is Aisha Muhammad. I am a 33 year old mom of one and I am currently struggling with secondary infertility. Many of you may already be familiar with my journey, “Making Baby Muhammad” as I have been transparent in sharing through social media since 2018. For those of you who are not, my husband and I have been trying to conceive for nearly 12 years. Our love story began when we met in 2011. We instantly became a family and my husband took on the role as father to my 4 year old daughter. For the first two years my husband and I were busy building our relationship, parenting our daughter and enjoying our lives together. During these years we assumed that our babies would just come naturally, after all it was something we both deeply wanted. We weren’t prepared for the long and emotionally arduous path that lay in front of us.

In 2013 we were referred to a reproductive specialist. After going through a series of tests, our results came back normal and we were diagnosed with unexplained infertility. Frustrated, yet full of hope, we made up our minds to continue trying. Over the next 7 years we attempted everything including lifestyle and diet changes, natural supplements, acupuncture and even fertility medication, hoping to find a solution. In 2021 we found a new fertility clinic and after going through more testing we discovered that not only did I have a diminished ovarian reserve, but also both tubes were blocked. An outpatient surgical procedure was performed to open my tubes, however we were warned of high chances of blockages returning. Because of the two diagnoses, the doctor told us that our chances of conceiving were extremely slim and he recommended IVF. Still optimistic, we continued to try naturally.

In March of this year we decided to seek other opinions and consulted with two other fertility centers. We found that my tubes were blocked once again. The specialists at both clinics echoed that IVF would be necessary for us.
Since we have been on this journey I have always desired to conceive a child naturally. My body had done it before and I had so much hope that it would be able to do it again. Learning that my tubes were blocked was completely heartbreaking, however it was comforting to know that there were still other options. I knew I would not be ready to close this chapter in our lives until we had exhausted them all. Holding on to faith, Samaad and I determined that if IVF was truly for us, then God would continue to direct our path, and I believe He is doing just that.
Recently, my husband’s medical insurance added fertility benefits that would cover a portion of the costs of 3 cycles of IVF. After praying, reflecting, and discussing it with one another, my husband and I have decided that this is the next step of our journey to Baby Muhammad. Through our belief in God’s promises to us for this child, we are very confident that God has placed people and resources along this path to aid us.

Right from the beginning so many of you have been walking with us, praying for us, praying with us, giving us counsel and beautiful words of encouragement. While we appreciate and are still in need of this, we are now in need of your financial support. Samaad and I are asking for donations to help offset the direct costs of IVF and other complementary treatments. The funds raised would also cover some indirect costs of these invasive and time-consuming treat­ments.

We desire to expand our family more than words can express, and we would love nothing more than to finally give our now 16 year old daughter the sibling she has always longed and prayed for. We feel that at this time we are the closest that we’ve ever been to bringing Baby Muhammad earth side, and every penny, nickel and dime donated will help bring us even closer. Thank you for reading and may God bless you!