Making Baby Searcy

Brookston, IN (US)
Created 2 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Making Baby Searcy

by Kelsee Searcy

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $5,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $275.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$275.00 raised of $5,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Brookston, IN (US)

Kelsee Searcy is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Hello! My name is Kelsee and my husband’s name is Scott. As much as I don’t want to do this, I feel it in my heart that it’s the least I can do at this time.

We started trying for a family in August of 2018. Come July of 2021, I started my first round of letrozole and became pregnant which led to a miscarriage. A year of fertility medications later, July of 2022 led us right back to another miscarriage. Before this miscarriage, I did have an HSG procedure done that we believe helped contribute to that pregnancy.

Fast forward to October, we got pregnant naturally. We made it to 13 weeks 1 day. I requested to get seen at 7 weeks due to my other miscarriages ending early. They only seen one. We were lucky enough to go to Baby Bliss at 10 weeks 1 day to ensure the baby still had a heartbeat and we were surprised with twins! Things became difficult fast because we soon found out that they were in different sacs but shared the same placenta. Baby B, known as Kora Ryn, also was diagnosed with an omphalocele. This made me high risk and we would be seeing a MFM doctor. I had a check up at 12 weeks and everything looked good. Babies had heartbeats and were moving all around. I had an appointment a week later where we couldn’t find the heartbeats. I had a D&C a week later.

Now we are coming to the end of February and have had our second fertility appointment at Henry Fertility. We have decided to start at the bottom and do an ovulation induction therapy which includes shots, blood work, and ultrasounds. We were quoted around $3,000 but that doesn’t include gas for traveling. This also doesn’t insure that it will be successful the first time.

With that said, we would appreciate any and all support during this time and even just a share would mean a lot.

Thank you!

Name Donation Date
Carla Lee $25.00 February 27, 2023
Ashtyn defries $50.00 February 24, 2023
Anonymous $30.00 February 23, 2023
Jennifer Klemz-Schontube $50.00 February 23, 2023
Katrina Massey $100.00 February 23, 2023
Kaitlyn Ford $20.00 February 23, 2023
Carla Lee commented with a $25 donation about 2 years ago
You're going to make great parents. Don't give up!
Jennifer Klemz-Schontube commented with a $50 donation about 2 years ago
Love you guys! Sending prayers up for you both! ?